STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ties of Blood and Water" #40510-517 Story by Edmund Newton & Robbin L. Slocum Teleplay by Robert Hewitt Wolfe Directed by Avery Brooks THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION January 24, 1997 STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ties of Blood and Water" CAST SISKO DUKAT KIRA GHEMOR ODO FUREL BASHIR TABAN DAX WEYOUN QUARK KIRAYOSHI O'BRIEN COM VOICE WORF Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES MORN STAR TREK: DS9 - "Ties of Blood and Water" - 01/27/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ties of Blood and Water" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE CAPTAIN'S OFFICE DOCKING RING CORRIDOR BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE GHEMOR'S QUARTERS HABITAT RING CORRIDOR INFIRMARY KIRA'S QUARTERS OPS PROMENADE/SECOND LEVEL QUARK'S REPLIMAT BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE/ TRIAGE AREA DEEP SPACE NINE - "Ties of Blood and Water" - 01/27/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ties of Blood and Water" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE ENYAK EN-yok FUREL fur-REL GANTT GANT GLINN BORVEN GLINN bor-VEN GUL TREPAR GUL tre-PAR HEXADRIN HEX-a-drin ILIANA ill-ee-AN-uh JIESSA JEE-ess-a KANAR kuh-NAR PRYLAR QUEN PRY-lar QUEN SHRI-TAL SHREE-tal TABAN tuh-BON TEKENY GHEMOR tuh-KEN-ee ghe-MORE TEMPASA tem-PAS-uh TRIPTACEDRINE TRIP-ta-SEE-dren VORAXNA vor-OX-na WEYOUN WAY-oon YARIM FEL YAR-im FELL STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Ties of Blood and Water" TEASER FADE IN: 1 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) An alien transport ship approaches the station. 2 INT. DOCKING RING CORRIDOR KIRA, DAX, and WORF walk together down the corridor. Kira seems excited about something and is giving some last minute instructions to Worf and Dax. (We may not notice it right away, but she's wearing her Cardassian bracelet from "SECOND SKIN.") KIRA I want him treated like a visiting head of state. Full communications and computer access, any kind of assistance he might need from the station's crew... DAX (playful) You should've let us know he was coming sooner. I think we've got a red carpet in storage somewhere. But Kira's in no mood for jokes. KIRA Dax, this is important. Tekeny Ghemor led the dissident movement against Cardassia's Central Command. And now that Dukat and the Dominion have taken over, there's no one better qualified to lead the opposition. DAX Besides... he's practically your father. Worf looks surprised. That's a new one on him. WORF (to Kira) Your father? Isn't Ghemor a Cardassian? They reach the airlock and wait for Ghemor. KIRA It's a long story. DAX The Cardassians once kidnapped Kira and surgically altered her to look like Ghemor's missing daughter. Worf looks puzzled. KIRA It was part of a plan to expose him as the leader of the dissident movement. WORF (with disapproval) Cardassian politics are very... complex. DAX I think they like it that way. KIRA Ghemor may be the only hope left for Cardassia. He deserves our help. Just then, Ghemor's Voice can be heard coming from the airlock. GHEMOR'S VOICE That's a lot of faith to put in one man. Kira and the others turn to see TEKENY GHEMOR emerging from the airlock, carrying a travel bag. Ghemor's an older, distinguished-looking Cardassian dressed in civilian clothes. He looks a little more frail than the last time we saw him (in "SECOND SKIN") but his face lights up when he sees Kira. GHEMOR I hope I won't prove too great a disappointment. KIRA Legate Ghemor. It's good to see you. Ghemor smiles as he puts down his bag. It's weight seems to be bothering him. GHEMOR How many times do I have to tell you, Nerys? If you won't call me "father," Tekeny will do. KIRA Welcome to Deep Space Nine... (with fondness) Tekeny. This is our science officer, Lieutenant Commander Dax, and our strategic operations officer, Lieutenant Commander Worf. GHEMOR Quite an impressive reception for an old man. Ghemor notices the bracelet Kira's wearing and smiles. GHEMOR You're wearing the bracelet I gave you. Kira glances at the bracelet, slightly embarrassed. KIRA It's... not exactly permitted under the uniform code... but... GHEMOR It looks good on you. Suddenly Ghemor looks tired, like he's been pushing himself a little too hard and has ran out of gas. He turns to Dax and Worf. GHEMOR It's been a pleasure meeting both of you. But if you'll excuse me, I'm afraid the journey here was a little... draining. KIRA I'll show you to your quarters. She picks up his bag. It's not heavy at all. Ghemor offers Kira his arm and she takes it. And if he leans on her a little as they EXIT, she doesn't really notice. 3 CLOSE ON WORF AND DAX Worf watches Kira go, amazed. WORF Major Kira, friends with a Cardassian. It seems wrong. DAX (agreeing) You should've known her five years ago. Back then, I never thought she'd be friends with anyone. 4 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Establishing. 5 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Kira is showing Ghemor around his guest quarters. KIRA I've had the replicator programmed with a complete Cardassian menu. You've got twenty-six-hour-a-day computer access and a private subspace com channel. And if there's anything else you need, just let me know. Ghemor takes a seat. He looks tired. GHEMOR I wish I had your energy. Kira realizes she's been a little hyper. KIRA I'm sorry. I wanted you to feel at home. GHEMOR You've been very kind. Kira's got some bad news. She's not sure how to break it to Ghemor, but she figures she may as well get it over with. KIRA I thought you should know... I checked with Bajoran Security. They still don't have any leads on your daughter. GHEMOR She's dead, isn't she? KIRA We don't know that. If Iliana's still alive, she's been undercover on Bajor for over a decade. It's not easy to find someone who's been hiding that long. But Ghemor's lost hope. He shakes his head. GHEMOR I know you're trying to keep my hopes up, but it's time I faced the facts. I'm alone. You're the closest thing to family I have left. KIRA Bajoran Security hasn't given up yet. And neither should you. You just have to be patient. A melancholy expression crosses Ghemor's face. GHEMOR I'm afraid patience is for the young. But Ghemor doesn't want to dwell on the negatives. He changes the subject. GHEMOR What about you, Nerys? How is life treating you? Kira tries to be up for Ghemor's sake. KIRA I've got no complaints. (tries to give him something positive to focus on) Did you read the proposal I sent you? Ghemor nods. GHEMOR It was very... ambitious. But I'm afraid you'll have to find another person to lead the effort. KIRA (surprised) But you're the best person for the job. You're still popular on Cardassia... people respect you... they'll listen to you. Ghemor can't help but smile. GHEMOR It's not that simple. KIRA We can make it work. We'll set up a government in exile here on the station. You can make regular transmissions into Cardassia, issue corrections to their propaganda, mobilize your old friends in the dissident movement... GHEMOR (stopping her) Nerys... Ghemor looks tired. He has something on his mind, but he'd hoped not to have to talk about it so soon. GHEMOR It's a good plan. But I can't help you. KIRA Why? Ghemor realizes he has no choice but to tell the truth. GHEMOR I have Yarim Fel syndrome. (off her reaction) It's terminal, Nerys. I'm dying. And as Kira reacts to this grim news, we... FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6 INT. INFIRMARY (OPTICAL) BASHIR is examining an MRI-like scan of Ghemor's internal organs while Kira and Ghemor look on. BASHIR (wishing he had better news) I'm afraid the prognosis isn't good. (to Ghemor) The disease has already spread throughout your digestive tract, your circulatory and respiratory systems, your cartilaginous tissue... This only confirms what Ghemor already suspected. He winces as a sharp stabbing pain shoots through his insides. GHEMOR How much time do I have left? Bashir's not about to admit defeat. BASHIR I'm not sure. There're still some procedures we can try. Hexadrin therapy. Or immunoregeneration treatments. GHEMOR I appreciate anything you can do. Ghemor turns to Kira. The pain's still pretty intense. GHEMOR I'm sorry, Nerys. I know this isn't going the way you planned. 6A CLOSE ON KIRA She's having a hard time adjusting to what's happening, but she tries to stay strong for Ghemor. KIRA Don't worry about me. The important thing is to get you well. Ghemor nods, but without any enthusiasm. He knows there isn't much hope of that. 7 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 7A INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Captain SISKO pacing in front of his desk, trying to think. Finally he speaks out loud, to the air. SISKO Begin Captain's log, Stardate... Just then... O'BRIEN'S COM VOICE Ops to Sisko. Sisko stops. SISKO (to O'Brien) Go ahead. 8 INT. OPS O'BRIEN is at the Operations Table. O'BRIEN You've got an incoming message from Cardassia. (with disapproval) It's Gul Dukat. He's "demanding" to speak to you. 9 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko nods. He's been half expecting this. SISKO Put him through. 10 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) To include the wall monitor, which activates to reveal GUL DUKAT, sitting at a desk, with a Cardassian and a Jem'Hadar bodyguard looming ominously behind him. DUKAT Captain Sisko. Always a pleasure. SISKO Still calling yourself "Gul" Dukat? I'm surprised you haven't promoted yourself back to Legate by now. DUKAT I prefer the title "gul." Much more hands-on than legate. And less pretentious than any of the other alternatives... president... emperor... first minister... emissary... SISKO How about "Dominion Puppet?" The eyes of the Cardassian Guard dart over to his Jem'Hadar companion, as if worried about a possible reaction, but neither Dukat nor the Jem'Hadar seem fazed by Sisko's remark. DUKAT Captain... such comments only reveal a deep misunderstanding of the intricacies of the Dominion political system. Under our new administration, Cardassia enjoys unparalleled autonomy and... Sisko's had just about enough of this. SISKO You can justify yourself later, Dukat. I'm a busy man. DUKAT Humans. You have no appreciation for the fine art of conversation. Sisko doesn't rise to the bait. DUKAT Very well. We have reason to believe one of our citizens is aboard your station. A certain Tekeny Ghemor, formerly a Legate in the Cardassian Central Command. SISKO And if we do? DUKAT We want him back. To put it mildly, he has a lot to answer for. SISKO I'll take your request under advisement. (a beat) But, considering the Federation doesn't recognize your "government" and that Cardassia has never agreed to an extradition treaty with Bajor or the Federation... (smiles) I wouldn't get your hopes up. Sisko cuts off the transmission, but he knows he hasn't heard the last of this. 11 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 12 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Ghemor is walking back and forth across the room, carrying KIRAYOSHI. GHEMOR (baby talk, to Kirayoshi) What a beautiful baby you are. Yes. (to Kira) You must be very proud. KIRA He's Miles and Keiko's baby. I only carried him to term for them. Suddenly Ghemor stops in his tracks. He squeezes his eyes shut as he's hit by a wave of pain. GHEMOR (re: Kirayoshi) Maybe you'd better... Kira carefully takes the baby away from Ghemor and puts him back in his bassinet. Ghemor sits down, still fighting the pain. KIRA Are you... GHEMOR It'll pass. Ghemor looks at Kirayoshi with a bittersweet expression. GHEMOR It's silly, but I almost feel like a grandfather. After all, you're the closest thing I have to a daughter... KIRA (smiles) And Yoshi is the closest thing I have to a son. (trying to make him feel better) You'd make a terrific grandfather. Ghemor tries to shake off his melancholy mood. GHEMOR What about you, Nerys? Have you ever thought about having one of your own? Maybe with that Shakaar fellow of yours? KIRA You know about Shakaar and me? GHEMOR I've been keeping an eye on you. It made me feel like I still had family. KIRA (more amused than angry) What did you do, hire someone to follow me around? GHEMOR Credit an old man with some restraint. I just had people let me know when they heard anything about you. Like it or not, you're a public figure... the first officer of one of the most important military installations in the quadrant... Your feud with Kai Winn is already something of a legend. (a beat) Did you know you have your own section in the Cardassian Central Archives? KIRA I guess I try not to think about it. GHEMOR You've made an impression on people, Nerys. A good one. You should be proud of everything you've accomplished. I am. There's a moment between them where they quietly acknowledge their connection. In a strange way, they really have become family. KIRA I've kept my ears open for news about you, too. I worried about you. Opposing the Cardassian government is a dangerous business. GHEMOR I enjoyed it, while it lasted. I have a fondness for hopeless causes. (joking) It runs in the family. Kira looks troubled. She has something she needs to tell Ghemor, but she doesn't want to upset him. Finally, she decides to give it a go. KIRA Dukat called the station. He wants you extradited to Cardassia. Ghemor nods his head. Held been expecting something like this, but that doesn't make it any easier. Dukat's trying to push him into one final fight, and he doesn't have the energy for it. GHEMOR (fighting another wave of pain) I'm not surprised. He knows as long as I'm still alive, I'm a threat to him. KIRA We're not going to let him get his hands on you. Ghemor nods. Suddenly he gets an idea. He looks up at Kira. GHEMOR Nerys, I know more about the Cardassian government than anyone alive. Names, alliances, plots. Things that could do a lot of good, in the right hands. Suddenly Ghemor is re-energized, despite his crippling pain. GHEMOR There's a Cardassian tradition, called Shri-tal. GHEMOR (Cont'd) The dying give their secrets to their family, to use against their enemies. But I have no one left to carry my secrets. No one but you. KIRA Me? GHEMOR Be my daughter one last time, Nerys. Hear what I know... and use it as you see fit. 13 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to Ghemor's surprising request. 14 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Kira's just finished telling Sisko about Ghemor's request. SISKO I hate to sound callous... but we've got a tremendous opportunity here. Ghemor's basically volunteering to give us more intelligence on Cardassia than we've been able to gather in five years. KIRA That's exactly what he's doing. Sisko can tell something's bothering Kira. SISKO It's quite a responsibility he's handing you. KIRA I know. I can't help but wonder if he chose the right person. What if I become too involved... what if don't ask the right questions? (a beat) Maybe I can convince Ghemor to talk to a counselor... or Constable Odo. He questions people every day. SISKO Maybe. But Ghemor doesn't just want to be debriefed. He wants someone to talk to... someone to be with until the end. KIRA And that someone is me. 15 CLOSE ON KIRA As she considers her situation and suddenly we... FLASH CUT TO: 16 INT. BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - NIGHT We see the scene in a series of FLASH CUTS, a jumble of images like fragments of memory. 16A CLOSE ON A BAJORAN MAN Crossing in front of the camera, carrying a disruptor rifle. 16B CLOSE ON A BAJORAN WOMAN She's wounded, her face contorted in pain. 16C CLOSE ON A RACK OF GUNS As people reach in and grab weapons. 16D CLOSE ON A SMALL CAVE ALCOVE With a bed in it. Though this is clearly someone's living space, there's no one there. A glass of liquid lies toppled on the ground, kicked over in haste, and a puddle slowly spreads around it. 16E NEW ANGLE Another armed Bajoran crosses in front of the camera. 16F CLOSE ON THE BAJORAN WOMAN As a Bajoran Medic comes to her aid. She's moved off camera. 16G NEW ANGLE We follow two Bajorans as they ENTER the cave, a WOUNDED MAN in their arms. One of the Bajorans is Kira's old friend FUREL ("The Darkness and the Light"), looking younger and more robust than the last time we saw him. He even has both arms, so the events we're seeing predate the loss of his left hand. FUREL (calling out) Nerys. It becomes clear we're looking at someone's P.O.V. of a Bajoran Resistance Base, at the height of the occupation. The base is a modified cavern, with different side chambers serving as impromptu weapons caches, barracks and field hospitals. 17 CLOSE ON THE WOUNDED MAN As he is laid down on a bed. He's in his fifties, dressed in simple farmers' clothes, and there's a terrible phaser burn across his midsection. KIRA (O.S.) Father? The camera swings around and we realize that the P.O.V. we're seeing belongs to... 18 KIRA NERYS Looking much as she did in "NECESSARY EVIL" with her hair worn longer, and dressed in some kind of muted battle fatigues. Kira looks down at the Wounded Man, a look of panic on her face. KIRA Father, can you hear me? But the wounded man, KIRA TABAN, only thrashes around in agony, lost in his own pain, and suddenly, we... CUT TO: 19 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Close on. Kira, who snaps out of her disturbing memories as Sisko continues talking in the background. SISKO Are you up to it? Kira weighs her options for a beat, but she doesn't see any way out. KIRA I don't have a choice. I'm all he's got. Hold on her troubled face for a moment, then... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: 20 OMITTED 21 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Bashir is briefing Kira on the swarm of medical equipment that now fills the room. In the background, we can see Ghemor, now hooked up to the twenty-fourth century equivalent of an IV drip, as well as a number of other monitors and life support systems. His breathing is strained, even with all this assistance. Bashir indicates a small control device wired up to one of the monitors. BASHIR (quietly, to Kira) If Ghemor's pain gets too severe, push this. It'll administer a small dose of triptacedrine. If you need to replenish the medication, just turn this valve... He indicates the proper valve. BASHIR Disconnect it here, and insert the new supply. If you don't want to do it yourself, you can always call for a nurse. KIRA I can manage. Bashir can tell something's eating at her. BASHIR I hope you're right. Being with someone with a terminal condition isn't easy. And in a case like this one, where you'll be acting as Ghemor's only source of emotional support... KIRA I know what I'm getting myself into. Bashir didn't mean to step on any toes. BASHIR I'm sure you do. (concerned) Let me know if you need anything. Bashir EXITS, leaving Kira alone with Ghemor. She takes a beat to collect her thoughts, and then moves over to him. 22 NEW ANGLE As Kira approaches Ghemor. He's semi-conscious, his breathing strained from the pain and the advancing disease, which is eating away at his lungs. Kira hates seeing him like this. KIRA (getting his attention) Tekeny... Ghemor painfully pries his eyes open. He squints against the light. GHEMOR (speaking with difficulty) Nerys... Ghemor struggles to sit up, but his effort obviously causes him tremendous pain. KIRA Don't try to move. GHEMOR Mouth's dry. Kira looks around. She's sees a pitcher of water and some glasses on a nearby table. KIRA I'll get you some water. Kira nervously pours a glass and brings it to Ghemor. He takes it, but when he tries to take a drink, the tangle of IV lines and other med tech make it awkward and he ends up spilling. KIRA Careful. Kira gently takes the glass and pours it into his mouth. But the breathing tubes get in the way and she ends up spilling too. KIRA Damn it. I'm sorry. Kira puts the glass down and tries to clean up the spill. GHEMOR It's all right. You're doing fine. (fighting against the pain) Maybe we should get started. Kira nods. She takes out a small RECORDING DEVICE and activates it. KIRA Session One, Stardate 50712.5. GHEMOR Probably Dukat's most powerful enemy is Gul Trepar, the head of the Fourth Order. He... Ghemor freezes up as he's hit by a sharp wave of pain. KIRA What's wrong? Unlike previous attacks, Ghemor can't shake this one off. He grits his teeth and manages to get out a single word. GHEMOR Button. Kira realizes that Ghemor's referring to the device which administers the pain medication. She grabs the button and pushes it as quickly as she can. Ghemor relaxes a little. KIRA Better? Ghemor nods, but it's clear he's still concentrating on containing the pain. KIRA Maybe I can get Doctor Bashir to give you something stronger. GHEMOR No. Anything stronger and I'd be unconscious... And you and I have a lot to talk about. (gathers his strength) Where were we? KIRA Trepar. Ghemor nods and settles back in his bed. He has a lot of ground to cover and he wants to get through as much of it as he can. GHEMOR Trepar. Trepar used to outrank Dukat and he's not happy to be taking orders from one of his former subordinates. 23 CLOSE ON KIRA We hold on Kira's face as she watches Ghemor talk through the pain, and the SOUND of Ghemor's voice slowly fades as the sounds of the Baloran Resistance Base fade in. GHEMOR (his words slowly fading into the background) Trepar's aide is a man named Glinn Borven. He's a political opportunist with all the loyalty of a hungry vole. YOUNG KIRA'S VOICE (growing louder) Medic! I need a medic! And suddenly, we... CUT TO: 24 INT. BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - NIGHT Kira is frantically trying to get her father some medical attention. KIRA What the hell's taking them so long! Kira gets up to check on the medic, but Taban suddenly opens his eyes wide. TABAN Nerys! He clutches at her. TABAN Nerys... don't leave me. Taban's a pitiful sight, eyes wild. He's furious at what happened to him, and even more furious at himself for letting it happen. TABAN I was such a fool. When the Cardassians started setting fire to the village, I tried to talk to them. Tried to reason with them. Look what they've done to me. KIRA I'll make them pay for this, I promise. But the pain and the horror of his situation are too much for Taban. TABAN They burned my garden. Set everything on fire. I worked for years... planting it, caring for it, and now it's gone... KIRA We'll plant a new one. You and I... together. Taban shakes his head. TABAN I wish I had your strength, Nerys. Your confidence. I'm so afraid. This admission from her father is almost more than Kira can take. KIRA Where's that damn medic? TABAN Don't go. Stay with me. The medic can wait. I don't want to be alone. Kira tries not to let the tears come and she takes her father's hand, and we... CUT TO: 25 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Close on Kira's hand as she presses it against Ghemor's arm. She watches the Cardassian for a beat, and he tosses uncomfortably in his sleep, then finally takes away her hand. She whispers into the recording device. KIRA The subject is asleep. I'm concluding the interview for the day. Kira turns off the recording device. She looks exhausted. The heat, the stress, and the emotional strain are getting to her. 26 CLOSE ON KIRA As she looks down at Ghemor, moaning in his sleep, and tries to hold it together. 27 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 28 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko finishes reading over Kira's report. SISKO It's a good start. Starfleet Intelligence will be very pleased. KIRA There's more where that came from. Ghemor seems to know every bureaucrat and politician on Cardassia. Sisko notices Kira's exhausted body language. Working with Ghemor is obviously wearing her down. SISKO You look tired. KIRA I've been up thirty hours straight. SISKO You should get some rest. Kira nods, but just then... BASHIR'S COM VOICE Bashir to Major Kira. KIRA (to com) Go ahead. BASHIR'S COM VOICE Please report to Ghemor's quarters immediately. Kira exchanges a look with Sisko, who nods. She EXITS. 29 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Kira ENTERS to find Bashir waiting for her. BASHIR (aside, to Kira) He's not responding to the hexadrin therapy anymore. GHEMOR (calling out in the background) Nerys. Nerys. Kira goes to Ghemor's side. KIRA I'm here. Ghemor's in severe pain. The disease is progressing rapidly and his condition is markedly worse. GHEMOR (struggling to get out the words) Ask me questions, Nerys. We don't have much time. Kira takes his hand. KIRA You were talking about the Supreme Tribunal. Ghemor seizes on this. GHEMOR Yes... yes. The Tribunal. (trying hard to focus) The Chief Archon tried to resist the Dominion takeover... And as Ghemor uses the questioning to distract himself from the pain, we... CUT TO: 30 INT. OPS A buzz with activity. Dax, O'Brien and Worf are at their stations. Sisko ENTERS from his office. SISKO Status report. WORF A Jem'Hadar battleship is approaching the station. DAX (off readouts) Its weapons are armed and its targeting systems are active. SISKO Red Alert. All crewmembers report to battle stations. The RED ALERT lights activate. O'BRIEN They're hailing us. SISKO On screen. 31 INCLUDE THE VIEWSCREEN (OPTICAL) Which shifts from the image of the Jem'Hadar battleship in space to a close shot of its bridge. Gul Dukat stands on the bridge, with Jem'Hadar soldiers at his side. DUKAT (on Viewscreen) Captain Sisko. SISKO Gul Dukat. What's the meaning of this? DUKAT (on Viewscreen) You said you'd take my request for Ghemor's extradition under advisement. O'BRIEN They've locked weapons on the station. DUKAT (menacing) I eagerly await your decision. 32 ANGLE ON SISKO AND THE OPS CREW As they react to Dukat's implied threat. They know he means business. And as Sisko considers his options, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: 33 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko waits as Starfleet Security Officers usher Gul Dukat into his office. Dukat has a familiar looking Vorta at his side. It's WEYOUN, who we last saw (getting vaporized by a Jem'Hadar) in "TO THE DEATH." DUKAT Captain Sisko. Thank you for the kind invitation. This is one of my Dominion advisors... Weyoun. Sisko is puzzled by the presence of Weyoun. SISKO We've met. But I saw you die. WEYOUN That wasn't me. At least not exactly. DUKAT The Vorta are experts at cloning. WEYOUN It tends to mitigate the risk involved in so much of our work. My predecessor was the fourth incarnation of our noble progenitor. I am the fifth. SISKO (with disapproval) Immortality. WEYOUN Of a sort. (looking for an angle) Interested? Sisko's had about enough of this. SISKO Dukat, you said you wanted to talk to me. Now's your chance. DUKAT I'll make it simple then. Tekeny Ghemor's not a well man... and he'd be better off under the care of his own people. We want him to know he can come home. SISKO To attend his own execution? DUKAT Not at all. Ghemor's case has been reviewed by the new judicial system... and he's been cleared of any wrongdoing. WEYOUN Dominion courts are renowned for their honesty and equanimity. DUKAT So, as you can see, there's no reason Ghemor can't return to Cardassia. Sisko reacts, but not with the enthusiastic acceptance Dukat would've liked. SISKO I don't think he would agree with you. WEYOUN Perhaps we should find out. Unfortunately, Sisko can't argue with that. CUT TO: 34 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Dukat's just made his offer and he, Weyoun and Kira await Ghemor's decision. Ghemor is in agony, but he tries not to show it. He musters all the strength he has left to meet Dukat's gaze. GHEMOR Dukat, I have a week to live. Maybe less. Do you really expect me to trade my silence for a few short days under the Cardassian sun? DUKAT It's where you belong. GHEMOR And it's where I'd be this very moment if you hadn't betrayed our people to the Dominion. (dismissive) Good day, Dukat. Weyoun looks at Dukat disapprovingly. WEYOUN He doesn't seem to like you very much. (sighs) We are going to have to do something about your public image. Kira gets up and shows them the door. KIRA Gentlemen... But Dukat's not done yet. DUKAT You haven't heard my entire offer. We have something else that I think might interest you. (off reactions) Your daughter, Iliana. 35 CLOSE ON GHEMOR This scores home. He doesn't want to show weakness, but Dukat's pushed the right button. GHEMOR Iliana... I... Ghemor looks doubtful. KIRA (to Ghemor) Don't listen to him. DUKAT Your daughter's alive. And I know where to find her. Ghemor thinks it over for a long beat, but then... GHEMOR I want to believe you, Dukat. But even if I did... (looks to Weyoun) Let's just say I don't like the company you're keeping. You and I might've come to an agreement, one Cardassian to another. But dealing with you now means dealing with them. And that makes the price too high. 36 CLOSE ON WEYOUN AND DUKAT Weyoun smiles. None of this seems to phase him in the least. KIRA You have your answer. But Dukat's not about to give up. DUKAT My ship will remain docked here for a few days... WEYOUN In case you change your mind... GHEMOR I won't. Dukat and Weyoun EXIT. Ghemor closes his eyes, exhausted from the energy he's spent. Kira places a comforting hand on his shoulder. 37 thru OMITTED 38 39 NEW ANGLE A series of shots of Kira taking care of Ghemor. 40 CLOSE ON KIRA As she replenishes Ghemor's medication, following Bashir's directions. 41 NEW ANGLE As she dabs Ghemor's forehead with a sponge. She's now wearing her t-shirt. She's sweaty, her eyes are puffy. Caring for Ghemor is taking a heavy toll on her. 42 ANOTHER ANGLE As she listens to him choke out more information about Cardassia (MOS). 43 CLOSE ON GHEMOR As his body is wracked by pain. 44 CLOSE ON KIRA Exhausted, pushing herself to the limit. 45 NEW ANGLE On Kira, collapsed in a chair, watching Ghemor's fitful sleep. INT. QUARK'S (FORMERLY SCENE 38) QUARK cleans a glass and walks over to Major Kira, who's slumped in a chair at one of the tables, exhausted. QUARK What can I get for you, major? A frosty Bajoran ale perhaps? Or something stronger? How about a black hole? KIRA Whatever. QUARK You look terrible. (backpedaling) Not that I mind. I like my women a little... rumpled. KIRA Quark, just get me my drink. Quark actually looks a little concerned. QUARK I know just the thing. warm Enyak's milk. It'll help you sleep. Quark goes to get the drink, leaving Kira looking more tired than ever. 46 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is sitting on her couch, her head in her hands, too exhausted to even drag herself to bed. The door chimes. KIRA Come in. Dukat ENTERS, leaving his Starfleet Security escorts outside. DUKAT Major. Sorry to disturb you. KIRA Sorry enough to leave? DUKAT Your defense of Ghemor is admirable. But did it ever occur to you, you might be fighting the wrong battle? Do you recall the massacre at the Kiessa Monastery? She clearly does. And the association isn't pleasant. KIRA Kiessa? What's that got to do with Ghemor? Dukat puts the PADD down on a table and slides it to her. DUKAT See for yourself. That is his official military record. You can verify everything on it with Bajoran Intelligence if you like. Kira's anger overcomes her exhaustion. She's got a growing suspicion of what she might find on the PADD. KIRA You're enjoying this, aren't you? All these sick little games. DUKAT I have to admit, I get a certain perverse pleasure out of it. Read it or not. It's up to you. Dukat turns to leave, Kira throws her teacup at him. It shatters against the wall. KIRA I promise you, Dukat, I'm going to make you pay for this one day. DUKAT Maybe. But not today. Dukat EXITS. 47 CLOSE ON KIRA As she looks down at the PADD, struggling to contain her curiosity. Finally, she reaches out for it and we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN: 48 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Ghemor is asleep. Kira is quietly going through the motions of caring for Ghemor, but something's changed. The perennial look of concern that's been on her face since this whole ordeal started has been replaced by a stony mask. Right now she's mechanically replenishing Ghemor's medication. (Sharp eyes may notice she's no longer wearing the bracelet Ghemor gave her.) GHEMOR (O.S.) (a croak) Nerys. Kira's already in a bad mood and doesn't want to deal with Ghemor. KIRA I'll be right there. Kira keeps working for a beat, then there's a CRASHING SOUND off screen. 49 NEW ANGLE To reveal Ghemor half off his bed, tangled in the medical equipment. Some of the lines leading to his arms have been pulled loose. KIRA (impatient) Now what? GHEMOR I was... thirsty. Kira realizes he was trying to reach the water pitcher, which lies shattered on the floor. KIRA (angry) Just sit back... Kira tries to help Ghemor back onto the bed, but he's snarled up in all the wires and lines which connect his body to the med tech. KIRA You're all tangled up. GHEMOR I'm sorry. KIRA It's a little late for that, isn't it? Ghemor can sense that Kira's anger runs deeper than she's letting on. GHEMOR Nerys... is something wrong? Kira can't hold here anger in any longer. KIRA Yes, something's wrong. You lied to me. GHEMOR About what? KIRA About everything. But let's start with Kiessa Monestary. The name seems to weaken Ghemor further. GHEMOR Kiessa. KIRA You were there, weren't you? She practically shoves him onto the bed. He barely notices. The pain is too intense... and right now his world is falling apart. GHEMOR Dukat told you. She reattaches the various tubes and wires. KIRA The Cardassian army burned Kiessa to the ground. Seventeen monks were killed. GHEMOR They were hiding weapons for the Resistance. Weapons that were being used to kill my friends. Ghemor feels he owes Kira the truth. He fights through the pain, both physical and emotional, as he tells the story. GHEMOR It was war. It was easy to despise you. (softly) But you weren't the monsters. We were. (with genuine remorse) I wish I had never joined the military, never volunteered for duty on Bajor. But I did. And I can't change that, no matter how much I might want to. But Kira's in no mood to forgive him, no matter how repentant he is. KIRA So instead you hid the truth from me. Ghemor can't argue with that, but clearly he regrets his actions. GHEMOR I didn't want you to hate me. KIRA It's what you deserve. And with that Kira heads for the door. GHEMOR (calling after her) Nerys! Kira never looks back. 50 CLOSE ON GHEMOR As he lies there, never more alone. 51 INT. QUARK'S Weyoun and Dukat are standing by the dabo wheel, under the watchful eye of a pair of Starfleet Security Officers. Aside from the guards and Quark's staff, the bar is empty. Weyoun is playing dabo, but Dukat just seems to be humoring him. WEYOUN (excited) Dabo! (to Dukat) That is dabo, isn't it? DUKAT I don't see why you insist on playing this ridiculous game. WEYOUN I like games. 52 NEW ANGLE As Sisko ENTERS, carrying a bottle of Kanar. He approaches Dukat and Weyoun. DUKAT (noticing Sisko) Can I help you, captain? Sisko gestures to a nearby empty table. Weyoun and Dukat take a seat. SISKO I thought we could talk. I realize I haven't been much of a host. Sisko opens the bottle of Kanar and pours some into a glass. He slides the glass over to Dukat. SISKO Here. Have some Kanar. Dukat looks down at the glass, but doesn't take it. DUKAT No thank you. I'm not particularly thirsty right now. But Sisko's not taking no for an answer. SISKO I insist. But Dukat still won't take the drink. DUKAT I never touch Kanar on an empty stomach. It's bad for the digestion. SISKO In this case, that would be something of an understatement. There's enough voraxna poison in this bottle to kill a dozen Cardassians. It was delivered to Tekeny Ghemor not more than twenty minutes ago. DUKAT (unimpressed) Fascinating. SISKO What's wrong, Dukat? Afraid Ghemor might say something that could undermine your cozy new position? DUKAT Tread with care, Captain. You're coming dangerously close to accusing the head of the Cardassian government of attempted murder. SISKO Is that what I'm doing? Weyoun smiles. He's eating this up. WEYOUN How delightful. (off reactions) The mysterious plots, the subtle innuendos, the veiled threats. It's all so... entertaining. Weyoun sniffs at the glass of Kanar, then, before anyone can stop him, he tosses it down. WEYOUN My... that is quite toxic, isn't it? DUKAT Are you insane? WEYOUN Vorta are immune to most forms of poison. It comes in handy when you're a diplomat. SISKO Especially when you're working with the Cardassians. Sisko's had about enough of Dukat and Weyoun. He gets up. SISKO You can keep the Kanar. Ghemor won't be drinking it. Sisko EXITS. 53 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 54 INT. PROMENADE It's late. Lights are low and there's almost no one on the Promenade. Kira comes out of the Bajoran Temple. Odo's waiting for her. ODO Isn't it a little late for services? KIRA I needed a quiet place to think. Kira notices Odo staring at her. KIRA (annoyed) If you have something to say to me, constable, say it. ODO I understand you've stopped visiting Ghemor. KIRA He lied to me, Odo. I thought he was different. But he's just like the rest of them. ODO Is he really? (off her reaction) I've seen his file, too, Major. He was nineteen when Kiessa was destroyed. He'd been in the military for less than a year. And he was only one of four hundred soldiers at the monestary. There's no way to know if he even fired a shot. Kira's not about to admit she was wrong. KIRA He shouldn't have been there at all. But even to her, it sounds a little hollow. ODO This isn't about Ghemor's war record. If that really mattered, you wouldn't have waited for Dukat to hand it to you. You would've looked it up yourself. KIRA What are you trying to say? That I should go back down there? Suddenly Odo realizes what's driving Kira's anger. ODO I wasn't saying that at all. (a beat) Are you? Odo EXITS, leaving Kira alone with her thoughts. CUT TO: 55 INT. BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - TRIAGE AREA Kira's dozing, but she's startled awake by a loud cry from her father. He's delirious, rolling on the floor and groaning in pain. KIRA Father. Taban doesn't respond. He's in bad shape. And for that matter, so is Kira. She looks like she hasn't gotten a good night's sleep in days. Her eyes are red, her hair's disheveled... she's at the end of her rope. KIRA Father. Hold still. You'll tear the bandages. Taban opens his eyes. He's having a hard time focusing. TABAN My garden. They burned my garden. Kira knows that her father's losing it. Watching his physical and mental deterioration is killing her. When she answers her voice is hollow, drained of all emotion. KIRA I know. TABAN (fearful) I can hear the Prophets calling me. I can feel my pagh slipping away. Just then, three of Kira's fellow Shakaar resistance fighters approach them, led by Furel. FUREL Nerys. Kira turns toward Furel. FUREL We found them. Cardassian Heavy Weapons Unit, Third Assault Group, Ninth Order. Kira's at the end of her rope. If anything, talking to Furel about her father's attackers is a welcome distraction from the torment of watching him suffer. KIRA (to her father) Hold on. I'll be right back. She stands up to talk to Furel. KIRA How far? FUREL Just outside of Tempasa. 56 CLOSE ON KIRA She looks back at her father, who's being attended by one of the other cell members, a young soldier named GANTT. Taban's a whimpering mess, painful to look at. Right now, deep down inside, all Kira wants is to get away from him. And now she has the perfect excuse. KIRA I'll go with you. FUREL (glancing at Taban) Are you sure? KIRA I know the area. FUREL So does Gantt. Furel is trying to give Kira an out so she can stay with her father. But right now, though she'd never admit it, to herself or anyone else, that's the last thing Kira wants. KIRA They didn't shoot Gantt's father. They shot mine. 57 NEW ANGLE As Kira kneels down next to her father. KIRA We found the soldiers that did this to you. And I'm going to make them pay, just like I promised. Taban fights through the pain and manages to focus on Kira. TABAN The others... let them. You don't have to go. KIRA Yes, I do. Kira takes her father's hand and squeezes it. Taban is afraid he'll never see her again, but he knows her mind's made up. KIRA I won't be long. She gets up and joins Furel. KIRA (to Furel) Let's go. She EXITS. 58 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira standing in front of her mandela, absentmindedly tracing it's pattern with her finger. Her door CHIMES. KIRA Come in. Bashir ENTERS. He looks grim. BASHIR I thought you should know... Ghemor's condition's deteriorated. He'll be dead within the hour. And as Kira reacts to this news, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: 59 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS - CONTINUOUS Bashir's just broken the news about Ghemor, but he's surprised to see how muted Kira's reaction is. KIRA Thank you for the information, Doctor. BASHIR That's it? "Thank you for the information?" Ghemor is dying. KIRA I heard you. BASHIR Major, he wants to see you. KIRA I don't want to see him. Bashir sees Kira's reluctance and presses the point. His patient is dying and Kira's the only person who can ease his suffering. BASHIR Major, please... It's almost over. There's no more work to be done... no questions to ask. Just go to his quarters and sit with him. But Kira's mind is made up. KIRA I said no. Don't ask me again. Bashir can't believe this. He's disappointed with Kira's behavior. BASHIR Fine. Do what you want. But you're making a mistake. Regardless of what Ghemor's done in the past, he doesn't deserve to die alone. (a beat) No one does. Bashir EXITS. Kira looks at the door as it closes behind him. We hear the SOUNDS of EXCITED VOICES and suddenly, we... CUT TO: 60 EXT. OUTSIDE THE BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - DAY Kira, Furel and two other resistance fighters approach the entrance to the Resistance Base. Furel looks tired, but excited. Things couldn't have gone better. FUREL All four mortar rounds right in the central compound. And the way they ran... It was like kicking over a mound of barrowbugs. Kira's more subdued. She was exhausted before she went on the raid. Now it's all she can do to keep moving. KIRA What was the count? FUREL Five skimmers destroyed. At least fifteen Cardassians dead. Not a bad day's work. We should celebrate. But Kira doesn't share Furel's enthusiasm. KIRA They kill us... we kill them. It's nothing worth celebrating. 61 INT. BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - DAY Kira and Furel ENTER the base, where they're immediately met by Gantt. GANTT (grim) Nerys... Kira stops dead in her tracks. GANTT Your father. Kira doesn't wait for the explanation. She moves past Gantt to her father's bed. 62 NEW ANGLE Kira sees her father lying on the bed, dead, his lifeless eyes staring up at the ceiling. 63 CLOSE ON KIRA As she reacts to her father's death. We can tell she's heartbroken, but she refuses to let herself cry. She crouches down next to him. Gantt and Furel follow her into the room. GANTT He died calling your name. Kira nods, but there's nothing she can say. She reaches out and closes her father's eyes, then removes his earring. Furel tries to offer his sympathy. FUREL Nerys... But Kira shakes her head. She refuses to let herself feel the pain of her loss. Instead she focuses on revenge. KIRA Get another raiding party together. I want to hit those Cardassians again as soon as we have a chance. Kira takes a shovel from a supply shelf and EXITS the cave. 64 EXT. OUTSIDE THE BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - DAY Kira begins digging a hole near a shriveled tree not far from the base entrance. Furel follows her outside. FUREL (concerned) Do you want me to get everyone together? Have Prylar Quen say a few words? But Kira doesn't want his sympathy. KIRA There's nothing left to say. 65 CLOSE ON KIRA As she digs her father's grave. CUT TO: 66 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Close on Kira, as she looks her father's earring, clutched tightly in her hand. 67 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 68 INT. GHEMOR'S QUARTERS Ghemor is asleep in his bed, breathing with the assistance of the twenty-fourth century equivalent of an oxygen tube up his nose. Even with this help, his breathing is still strained and shallow. We hear the off camera whoosh of the doors opening and... 69 KIRA quietly ENTERS the room. She comes in and sits down, then takes Ghemor's hand. Ghemor opens his eyes. He looks surprised and moved to see Kira. GHEMOR I didn't think you would come. KIRA For a while there, neither did I. Nothing more needs to be said. Kira holds Ghemor's hand and the two of them sit quietly together, awaiting the inevitable. 70 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) Re-establishing. 71 INT. INFIRMARY - Doctor Bashir is finishing up his report on Ghemor's death. BASHIR (to com) ... cause of death was CNS failure brought on by Yarim Fel Syndrome. One witness was present... Major Kira Nerys of the Bajoran Militia. The witness's statement is attached. Bashir taps a control, then turns to Kira, who is sitting quietly at the other end of the Infirmary, silently twisting the bracelet Ghemor gave her around her fingers. BASHIR Major? Kira looks up. BASHIR We're done here. KIRA That's it? A quick postmortem, a statement from the witness, a little paperwork. It seems so... straightforward. BASHIR But it never is. Kira's a little numb from everything she's been through, but she obviously needs to get something off her chest. KIRA He got so quiet, toward the end. I could hear him whispering things... His wife's name... Iliana's... even mine. But then the pain got to be too much for him. He just... lay there... breathing. And every time he exhaled... there was a little pause. And I thought, "That's it. It's over." But then he'd force another breath. And another. I started counting them. One hundred... two hundred... three hundred... It was like he was fighting for every last second. (a beat) I'm not even sure he knew I was there. BASHIR He knew. You gave him what he needed. He didn't die alone. KIRA Maybe he gave me something I needed, too. Kira tries to gather herself together, but she's hurting pretty bad. KIRA I missed my father's death by less than an hour... did you know that? Less than an hour. (a beat) I always told myself that it was just bad luck... bad timing... the will of the Prophets. But the truth is... I didn't have to leave when I did. I could have stayed a while longer. But I saw a chance to get away, and I took it. (a hard admission) I saw so much death during the Occupation... felt so much pain. But he was my father. My strength. And I couldn't stand watching that strength slip away. Kira shakes her head. It's finally clear to her. KIRA (continuing) So I ran. BASHIR Just like you tried to run from Ghemor. KIRA He reminded me so much of my father. Going through it all again... I couldn't face it. BASHIR But in the end, you did. You were there for Ghemor. KIRA I owed it to him. I owed it to my father to get it right this time. We hold on Kira for a beat as the tears finally start to flow, then... CUT TO: 72 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Dukat and Weyoun ENTER to find Sisko waiting for them. SISKO You wanted to see me. DUKAT I understand Legate Ghemor has passed away. SISKO (nods) You must be very relieved. DUKAT Captain, such cynicism doesn't suit you. All of Cardassia will mourn the passing of Tekeny Ghemor. He was a great man. SISKO I'm surprised to hear you say that. DUKAT Not at all. It takes a great man to admit he was wrong. And that's what Ghemor did. (off Sisko's reaction) You know... his last minute change of heart. His deathbed decision to embrace the new Dominion government. SISKO Very moving. Except there's one small problem. It never happened. WEYOUN As you said... it's a small problem. DUKAT I'd like the body transferred to my ship. We'll take him home and bury him with full state honors. Sisko allows himself a small smile. SISKO I'm afraid that's impossible. (off reactions) Legate Ghemor's funeral arrangements have already been taken care of. And on this, we... CUT TO: 73 EXT. OUTSIDE THE BAJORAN RESISTANCE BASE - DAY We don't really know where we are at first. We're... 74 CLOSE ON KIRA As she pats down the earth on a fresh grave. She looks down at Ghemor's last resting place, a look of sad acceptance on her face, and we... PULL BACK TO REVEAL: 75 NEW ANGLE Taban's grave site. The once-withered tree is green again, as is the grass at its feet, but other than that, things haven't changed much... except now there are two graves at the foot of the cliff, one old and one new. And as Kira looks down at the graves of Kira Taban and Tekeny Ghemor, we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END