STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" #40510-541 Written by Ira Steven Behr & Hans Beimler Directed by Jonathan West THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1997 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION December 19, 1997 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Wrongs... " - 12/19/97 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" CAST SISKO DUKAT KIRA BASSO ODO MERU BASHIR GUL DAX HALB WORF LEGATE QUARK TABAN O'BRIEN SCAVANGER ONE COMPUTER VOICE Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. SUPERNUMERARIES STAR TREK: DS9 - "Wrongs... " - 12/19/97 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE QUARK'S BAJOR PROMENADE KIRA'S QUARTERS OPS SECURITY OFFICE CAPTAIN'S OFFICE TEMPLE OF IPONU SINGHA REFUGEE CAMP/BARRACKS TEROK NOR HABITAT RING CORRIDOR KIRA AND MERU'S QUARTERS WARDROOM PROMENADE/BAJORAN GHETTO DUKAT'S QUARTERS DS9 - "Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night" - 12/18/97 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Wrongs Darker Than Death Or Night" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE BASSO BOSS-oh DEKA DECK-uh HASPERAT HAS-per-uht IPONU ee-PONE-oo KANAR kuh-NAR KATTERPOD CAT-er-pod LUMA LOO-muh MERU muh-ROO MOBA MOH-buh POHL POLE RAHL RAWL REON REE-on SINGHA SING-ah ULTRIDIUM uhl-TRIH-dee-um VEKLAVA veck-LAH-vuh STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Wrongs Darker Than Death or Night" TEASER FADE IN: 1 INT. QUARK'S Evening. WORF and DAX are drinking raktajinos as Worf waits for Quark to tell him his holosuite is ready. DAX The Saratoga put in this morning. WORF (end of discussion) We are not having another party. DAX I promise not more than fifty or sixty... Worf knows better. WORF I can see it now. Two hundred people jammed into our quarters... eating, drinking... (disgusted) ... laughing. DAX (sarcastic) Sounds awful. What if I promise you there'll be absolutely no laughter? Worf knows she's kidding. DAX (hamming it up a bit) No, I mean it. You won't see a single smile the entire evening. It'll be the grimmest party you've ever been to. Worf can't help but to allow himself a little grin. DAX No smiling -- or you won't be invited. WORF (relenting) When do you want to have this party? DAX Next week. And I was thinking... maybe we should give the evening a theme. WORF (suspicious) What kind of "theme?" DAX Why don't we have everyone come as their favorite Klingon? Worf's smile vanishes instantly. DAX Bad idea? QUARK, carrying a box of flowers, steps up to Worf. QUARK Commander -- your holosuite is ready. Worf immediately rises, glad to get away from this conversation. WORF Good. DAX Have fun exercising. Worf nods, heads up the steps. QUARK (to Dax) No party? DAX (holding up her thumb and index finger) Came this close. 2 ANGLE ON DAX as she gets up to leave. On her way out, she spots KIRA and Quark at the bar. Quark is handing Kira the box of flowers. KIRA Thank you, Quark. QUARK Don't mention it, major. I'm glad I could be of help. Quark steps away just as Dax steps up to Kira. DAX Bajoran lilacs. (she sniffs them) Is something going on between you two that I don't know about? KIRA Don't be disgusting. Kira heads for the door as Dax tags along. 3 INT. PROMENADE - CONTINUOUS Kira and Dax walk together. KIRA (continuing) I ordered them for myself. DAX That's nice. (a beat) I thought you didn't like flowers. KIRA I don't. DAX I'm confused. KIRA Jadzia -- there's such a thing as privacy. DAX Not between friends. Kira smiles... her friend is incorrigible. KIRA (relenting) It's my mother's birthday. She would've been sixty today. (re: the flowers) My father always said these were her favorite. DAX (re: the flowers) What a nice way to remember your mother. KIRA I wish I did remember her. I was only three when she died in the refugee center. DAX I'd bet she'd be proud of you -- of what you've done with your life. Kira smiles as they approach the turbolift. KIRA I'd like to think so. I've always been proud of her. My father always said she was the bravest woman he knew. With a friendly nod of good-bye, Kira EXITS into the turbolift and the doors close behind her. We HOLD ON Dax for a beat, then go to -- 4 INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Kira is asleep in her darkened room. By her bed, the lilacs have been placed in a vase. COMPUTER VOICE Major Kira. You have an incoming transmission. KIRA (clearing the cobwebs) From whom? COMPUTER VOICE Unable to identify. That gets Kira's attention; she gets out of bed and steps over to the wall monitor. KIRA Put it through. 5 ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) as it comes to life with the image of GUL DUKAT, seated at the controls of the shuttle he stole in "Waltz" (in other words, a one-wall set). DUKAT Ah, major -- there you are. I'm sorry to wake you. KIRA What the hell do you want, Dukat? Kira furtively taps a few keys. DUKAT Don't bother, major. I guarantee you won't be able to trace this transmission. KIRA Then why don't you just tell me where you are? DUKAT (smiling) Because that's not why I called. I want to help you, major -- the way Captain Sisko helped me. KIRA I don't know what you're talking about. DUKAT Captain Sisko gave me the clarity to see beyond the lies... the self- deceptions that were controlling my life. He helped me see the truth about myself. (a beat) And now I'm going to do the same for you. Dukat smiles. DUKAT And what better day to do it than on your mother's birthday. Kira smiles not letting Dukat get to her. KIRA Is that suppose to upset me? That you know it's my mother's birthday? DUKAT (ignoring her) She was a striking woman, your Mother. Though when I met her, she was very self-conscious about that small scar along the side of her face. She used to try to cover it up with a strand of hair. Dukat is starting to make Kira uncomfortable, though she tries to hide it. KIRA Nice try, Dukat. But you never knew my mother. She died in the -- DUKAT (interrupting) -- in the Singha refugee center? I'm afraid not, Major. That was something your father told you because he couldn't bear to face the truth. KIRA (still not buying it) What truth? DUKAT That your mother left him to be with me. KIRA You're lying. DUKAT (insistent) Your mother and I were lovers almost from the moment we met. And we remained lovers until the day she died. KIRA I've had enough of this -- Kira moves to end the transmission, but before she does: DUKAT I see you have lilacs on your nightstand. Your mother would be touched -- she loved Bajoran lilacs. (a beat) There... I told you the truth was liberating. Now, don't you feel better? I do. And with that, the screen goes blank as Dukat ends the transmission. 6 CLOSE ON KIRA as she considers Dukat's troubling words. And on that, we: FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 6A INT. KIRA'S QUARTERS Morning, Kira sits down at her desk monitor. KIRA Computer. Locate Cardassian occupation files, Singha refugee center. Find and display Bajoran identity profile for Kira Meru. After a beat -- 6B ANGLE ON THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) which displays an ID photo of her mother, KIRA MERU, taken during the occupation by the Cardassian authorities... 6C ON KIRA as she looks at her mother's picture for a beat. Then she taps a few keys and starts reading the text of the file. CUT TO: 7 INT. OPS Morning. SUPERNUMERARIES at the posts, while BASHIR and O'BRIEN, holding raktajino mugs, are standing over by O'Brien's station. O'BRIEN (to Bashir) Then you're just going to have to take my word for it, Julian. he battle at the Alamo would make a helluva holosuite program. Under this, Kira ENTERS, and heads over to the Replicator. KIRA (in b.g., to replicator) Raktajino. BASHIR Let me get this straight... there's two hundred of us, trapped inside some crumbling, old mission... surrounded by two thousand enemy troops? O'BRIEN That's right. BASHIR (skeptical) And we win? O'BRIEN No, we lose. BASHIR Why on Earth would you want to play a program where we lose? Kira moves over to the Ops table and picks her work PADD up. O'BRIEN You're missing the point, Julian -- there's nothing more noble than a heroic defeat, especially against overwhelming odds. Bashir isn't buying it for a second. BASHIR In life -- maybe. But not in the holosuites. 8 ANOTHER ANGLE as Kira looks up from her PADD. KIRA Chief -- you were suppose to have finished recalibrating the induction modulators yesterday. O'BRIEN We had a little problem replacing some of the coil brackets -- KIRA (cutting him off) Save the excuses. I want it done within the hour. (to Bashir) Doctor, is there a reason for your visit? BASHIR (defensive) Actually, Miles and I were just chatting about -- KIRA I thought not. If you don't mind, we're on duty. BASHIR (backing off) Don't let me interfere. Bashir nods good-bye to O'Brien and EXITS. O'Brien stands there, holding his cup, not sure why they've earned the major's wrath. Kira stares at him for a beat and he quickly finishes his raktajino, picks up his tool kit and hurries off. Kira looks around the room, aware of the stares from the rest of the Ops crew. KIRA All right, everyone -- this isn't the Replimat. We're not here to drink raktajino and catch up on the latest gossip. Let's get to work. Quickly, everyone refocuses on their work. 9 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Later. ODO is at his desk studying a monitor as Kira ENTERS. KIRA Odo, I've just been informed about the increased criminal activity on the Promenade. Odo immediately senses Kira's combative mood. ODO It's not as bad as it sounds, major. We're only talking about a few incidents of petty theft. I've already assigned two deputies -- KIRA (cutting him off) -- I'd prefer you handle the matter personally. ODO If you think that's necessary. KIRA I do. And make sure I'm kept informed of your progress. ODO Of course. (a beat) Is there something else on your mind? KIRA Meaning what? ODO Meaning I spoke to Doctor Bashir earlier and he mentioned you seemed... irritable. I can see he wasn't exaggerating. Care to tell me what's bothering you? Kira sighs, allowing her body to slump a bit; we can see how miserably she's feeling. KIRA I appreciate the offer, Odo. But I really don't think talking about it is going to help. Odo accepts this. ODO Sounds serious. KIRA It is. ODO Then if you won't talk about it... perhaps you should consider doing something about it. And as Kira contemplates her friend's words, we go to -- 10 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE Establishing. 11 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE CLOSE ON on a serious-looking SISKO. SISKO A transmission from Dukat? This is the first I've heard of it. KIRA That's because I didn't report it. SISKO Why not? KIRA It was of a personal nature. I tried to trace the signal, but... SISKO What did he want? Kira hesitates. Sisko can see that this is difficult for her to talk about. KIRA He said he knew my mother... that they were lovers. SISKO You don't believe him, do you? KIRA He knew certain things about her... personal things. SISKO Dukat is a very resourceful man. I'm sure he knows a lot about your family... about all our families. KIRA I keep trying to tell myself that. But I need to know. SISKO That may not be possible. KIRA There is one way. I could visit the Temple of Iponu on Bajor and consult the Orb of Time. Sisko is taken aback by Kira's suggestion. SISKO Excuse me? KIRA I need to know the truth. SISKO Let me get this straight... You want to travel back in time to see if Dukat and your mother were lovers? KIRA That's right. SISKO I'm sorry, major, but the Federation has strict regulations -- KIRA (cutting him off) -- this has nothing to do with the Federation. I need your help as the Emissary -- not as a Starfleet captain. The Emissary can see to it that I'm allowed access to the orb. After that, it's up to the Prophets... ... if they feel my request is worthy, they'll send me where I need to go. If not... then I've made a trip to Bajor for nothing. SISKO And if they do send you back... what then? How can you be sure you won't interfere with the time line? KIRA The Prophets will be guiding me. Nothing will happen without their blessing. Sisko thinks this over. KIRA Please, Emissary -- let me seek the will of the Prophets. Sisko looks at Kira intently, searching for an answer in her eyes. 12 EXT. BAJOR - MATTE SHOT - DAY (STOCK) Establishing a large city on the planet. 13 INT. TEMPLE OF IPONU - DAY A VEDEK walks Kira, dressed in civilian clothing, to an orb box, then ceremoniously EXITS. 14 ANGLE ON KIRA (OPTICAL) as she stands there preparing herself for her journey. After a beat, she opens the box doors and is immediately bathed in orb light -- FADE TO WHITE. 15 OMITTED 16 INT. SINGHA REFUGEE CENTER - BARRACKS - NIGHT (OPTICAL) Kira finds herself seated against the wall of a crowded, chaotic refugee center. Kira is now wearing clothing similar to what the other refugees are wearing. She stands up and looks around -- 17 KIRA'S POV Bajoran families are huddled together over their meager belongings. These are tired, undernourished, sleep- deprived people. It is not a pleasant sight. 18 ON KIRA reacting to her surroundings; her painful memories of the occupation are brought shockingly back to life. Kira begins to walk through the refugee encampment; the harsh truth is that she really doesn't want to be back here and yet she knows she has to do this. We see her steel herself; she can't allow the misery surrounding her to overwhelm her. Suddenly, she hears a familiar voice -- TABAN (O.S.) Meru! I found Nerys. Kira turns to the voice. 19 KIRA'S POV of her father, TABAN, holding a three year old KIRA NERYS by the hand, and carrying her baby brother, REON. 20 BACK TO KIRA as she reacts to the sight of her family. She looks over to one side to see -- 21 KIRA'S POV of her mother, Kira Meru, also holding a baby boy, as she approaches her family, a smile of relief breaks across her face as she sees that her daughter is okay. Meru is thirty-two years old, and though she is haggard and grimy from the life she has been forced to lead here at the refugee center, she is still a striking woman -- tall and slender with attractive, angular features. Meru is holding two metal soup canisters. 22 ON KIRA Her face is a mixture of joy and sorrow as she gazes upon her long lost family. And on this image, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: 23 INT. SINGHA REFUGEE CENTER - BARRACKS - NIGHT Moments later. Kira watches as Meru joins her family. She's greatly relieved to see that her little daughter is all right. MERU Where was she? TABAN (pointing behind him) Wandering over there, scrounging for food. Meru hands over one of the cup canisters to Taban. TABAN That's all? It's barely half a cup. MERU They've cut everyone's rations. TABAN (angry) It's not enough. How do they expect us to survive? MERU The Cardassians don't care whether we survive or not. They won't be happy until we're all dead. Meru stops herself -- not wanting to upset the children. She forces herself to put a smile on her face. MERU (to her children) Come my sweethearts -- drink your soup. But as she reaches down to allow Nerys to take a sip -- SCAVENGER ONE (O.S.) Excuse me. Meru turns to see -- 24 NEW ANGLE to see TWO SCAVENGERS -- two hardened, nasty-looking Bajoran men -- looming over them. SCAVENGER ONE That soup... it's ours. TABAN What are you talking about? My wife stood in line all day to get it. If you think you can just -- The second Scavenger pulls out a makeshift knife and puts the sharp edge under Taban's chin. SCAVENGER ONE Just what? MERU It's for the children -- they're hungry. SCAVENGER ONE (cold) We're all hungry. KIRA (O.S.) That's right, we are. 25 NEW ANGLE TO INCLUDE KIRA The Scavengers aren't sure what to make of her. KIRA And hunger can make people do stupid things. SCAVENGER ONE Like what you're doing now? Kira doesn't want the situation to escalate into violence; she tries to keep things calm. KIRA The Cardassians are the enemy. We shouldn't be fighting amongst ourselves. we should be trying to help each other... SCAVENGER ONE That's what we were doing... helping ourselves to some soup. The two scavengers grin at one another; Kira is beginning to lose patience with them. KIRA If you want soup, you'll have to get in line like everyone else. SCAVENGER ONE We may have to take orders from the spoonheads, but we don't have to take them from you. 26 ANOTHER ANGLE as the Scavenger with the knife tries to slash Kira. Kira pivots, gets in under the swing, elbows him in the belly and tosses him over her shoulder into his buddy. 27 ANGLE ON THE TWO SCAVENGERS untangling themselves. As they get to their feet, Kira picks up their knife. 28 FAVORING KIRA as she takes a step toward them. But the scavengers have had enough and they hightail it out of there. 29 WIDER as Taban, Meru and their children smile gratefully at their savior. TABAN Thank you. I wish we could repay your kindness somehow... but we have so little food. KIRA It's all right. I'm not hungry. MERU (surprised) I can't remember the last time I met a Bajoran that wasn't hungry... (to Kira, smiling) I'm Kira Meru. Kira looks at her mother, not sure what to say. She can't believe she's standing this close to her. KIRA I'm... I'm just glad I could help. Kira and her mother touch hands; it's a charged moment. MERU This is my husband, Taban. Our sons, Reon and Pohl, and our daughter, Nerys. Kira smiles at all the children, but her eyes light up as she looks at little Nerys. KIRA They're beautiful... Kira fights back the tears as she gazes upon her long, lost family. 30 ON LITTLE NERYS as she whispers something into her mother's ear. MERU My daughter wants to know your name. KIRA Me? (a beat) I'm Luma Rahl. Kira stretches out her hand to little Nerys. KIRA It's nice to meet you, Nerys. Kira has the odd pleasure of shaking hands with her younger self. Little Nerys giggles happily, blissfully unaware of the strange nature of the encounter. VOICE (O.S.) Attention! They turn to see -- 31 ANOTHER ANGLE as BASSO TROMAC, a Bajoran collaborator working with the Cardassians, stands flanked by TWO CARDASSIAN GUARDS. Basso carries several sacks of food. BASSO The new Cardassian Ore Processing Center orbiting Bajor is nearing completion. Basso walks around the barracks studying the women. BASSO The Cardassian troops stationed there will require "comfort women" to make their tour of duty less... stressful. Basso points to a young woman standing beside her husband. BASSO Her. One of the guards seizes the woman from her husband. Before the husband can protest, Basso shoves one of the baskets of food into his arms. BASSO (to the husband) As of now, you'll receive extra rations of food and medicine. Courtesy of our Prefect, Gul Dukat. Basso turns and notices Meru. BASSO Her. TABAN No! Taban moves forward, but one of the guards pulls the baby out of Meru's arms and shoves the CRYING child against Taban's chest. Kira goes to intervene -- but before she can, Basso singles her out as well. BASSO And her. The other guard grabs hold of Kira. MERU But my children -- BASSO Your children will eat better than they have any right to. (to the guards) Let's go. 32 ANOTHER ANGLE as the guards force Meru, Kira and the other woman away. Meru's children are crying, and Taban looks anguished. TABAN Meru! MERU (calling back at him) I love you. (a last look to the children) Don't let them forget me. 32A ANGLE ON KIRA helpless to do anything about it as she watches her parents be separated. She tries to catch one last glimpse of her father and her family -- but the guards hustle them out of the room. 33 thru OMITTED 38 39 EXT. SPACE - TEROK NOR (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing -- in orbit around Bajor. 40 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Basso, still flanked by the Cardassian guards, leads a GROUP of Bajoran women down the hallway. As he passes each doorway, he assigns two women to each room by pointing where they should stand. The women then stand by the doorways, awaiting further instructions. Meru, like most of the other women, hasn't gotten over being separated from her family. She looks defeated and scared. Seeing the pattern, Kira switches places with another Bajoran woman and falls into step with her mother. That way, she and her mother are assigned the same room. At the end of the corridor, Basso turns to face the women standing by their doorways. BASSO You will find food in your quarters. Eat as much as you want and make sure you get a good night's rest. You'll want to look your best tomorrow. Basso turns to go, then stops and turns back for one last comment -- BASSO And feel free to linger as long as you want in the sonic showers. Cardassians value cleanliness. And with that, the doors all OPEN and the women EXIT into their quarters. 41 INT. KIRA AND MERU'S QUARTERS Kira and Meru ENTER -- and the second the door closes behind them, Kira turns to Meru. KIRA Meru, listen to me -- I know things look bad, but don't give up just yet... we'll find a way out of here. MERU How? KIRA There must be a resistance cell operating on the station. We'll contact them. They'll help us get away. But Meru's attention has been sidetracked by something off screen -- MERU I don't believe it... Kira turns to see -- 41A KIRA'S POV of a lavish spread of food and drink laid out on one of the tables. An incredulous Meru moves over to the table -- her eyes can't believe what she's seeing. Meru picks up a piece of fruit with each hand, showing them to Kira with growing delight. MERU Fresh moba. She smells the fruit, practically inhaling it. A nervous LAUGHTER escapes her lips. MERU Do you know how long it's been since I've seen fresh moba? She takes a ravenous bite, then two more before offering the other piece to Kira. Kira takes a bite, though she hasn't had much of an appetite since she opened up the orb box. KIRA Nice. MERU Nice? Look at all this... katterpod beans, hasperat, veklava, a pot of deka tea... we could live on this for a year! Meru finishes up the moba, then digs into the hasperat with her fingers. Tears of joy and sorrow run down her face. KIRA Easy. You don't want to make yourself sick. MERU Sick from too much food? That would be a change. (looking at the food) I only wish Taban and the children could be here... And suddenly she is overwhelmed with emotion. She cries openly, falling into Kira's arms. MERU (trying to convince herself) The Cardassians said they'd take care of them... maybe they will. KIRA I wouldn't count on it. We need to find away off this station. Once we do that, we can figure out a way to free your family. MERU Then what? KIRA We hide up in the hills.... join the Resistance. Meru looks at Kira, sees that she's serious. Meru isn't so sure. MERU I suppose it's possible... KIRA Of course it is. We just need to bide our time. Kira smiles comfortingly, glad to be able to help her mother in her time of need, she pushes her mother's bedraggled hair away from her teary face. As she brushes back the hair, Kira sees something she hadn't noticed before: a long, red scar running down the side of Meru's face. Meru quickly steps away and instinctively covers the scar with her hair. Kira can sense her embarrassment. KIRA I'm sorry. I didn't mean to... MERU I failed to show a Cardassian soldier the proper respect. KIRA We all have scars. Of one kind or another. MERU (bitter) Maybe. But most aren't quite so... evident. KIRA It's not that bad. Meru looks at Kira thoughtfully. MERU Why do you keep doing that? KIRA What? MERU Helping me. First, at the refugee center and now here... KIRA I don't have many friends. MERU (smiling) Well, you have one now. Kira smiles, grateful in ways her mother can never know. And off this moment -- CUT TO: 42 INT. WARDROOM The next day. Kira and Meru, clean and dressed to the nines, are lined up for inspection along with four other Bajoran women, equally well-dressed -- think high- class dabo girls. Kira has styled Meru's hair in such a way that the scar is cleverly concealed. BASSO (pleased) Well done. I can hardly believe that you're the same women I met yesterday. (a beat) In fact -- you're not. Your old lives have ended. Your pasts have been erased. You have one purpose and one purpose only: to provide comfort and care to the Cardassian officers stationed here. Do that well, and you'll want for nothing. Fail, and you and your family will be sent to a labor camp. BASSO (Cont'd) (he lets that sink in for a moment) Now remember -- you're all easily replaceable. Make one mistake and I won't hesitate to -- DUKAT (O.S.) (cutting him off) Basso! They all turn to see -- 43 ANGLE ON THE DOOR Dukat steps into the room. DUKAT Enough. Dukat walks over to the line of women and offers them a warm smile. (Note: this is Dukat thirty years ago and he should look slightly different. This Dukat also has no knowledge of Kira Nerys and thus pays her no special attention.) DUKAT Welcome to Terok Nor. I hope your stay here will be a pleasant one. I assure you, I will do everything possible to make it so. I suspect that many of you must be feeling a bit uneasy right now... I'm well aware that among the Bajoran population there's a perception that all Cardassians are to be feared -- that we're a cruel and heartless race. I hope to dispel that myth, not with words, but with actions, in the hope that you will come to appreciate the better part of our nature. I assure you that we are capable of great kindness. MERU (impulsive) What of our families? Are they all right? Everyone is surprised by Meru's boldness. BASSO (accusatory) Who said you could speak? Guards! DUKAT (to the guards) Stay where you are. (to Meru) Your families will be well taken care of. Dukat steps closer to Meru, studying her closely. His smile grows a little; he likes what he sees. DUKAT That, I promise you. He reaches up and pushes her hair back, revealing the long scar. Meru tenses up and tries to hold her composure. DUKAT (re: the scar) What's this? Meru doesn't know what to say; her worse fears are coming to pass. MERU I... I... DUKAT Basso. Basso hurries to Dukat's side. BASSO Forgive me, Prefect. I didn't notice the imperfection. I'll have her removed at once. DUKAT (an order) Get me a dermal regenerator. Now. Basso is surprised by this command, but he quickly EXITS to do as instructed. DUKAT (to Meru, softly) I'm afraid to ask how you came by such a... mark. MERU It's nothing. DUKAT On the contrary, it's an unfortunate reminder of the gulf that exists between our two peoples. 44 ANGLE ON THE DOOR as Basso ENTERS holding the dermal regenerator, which he hands to Dukat. DUKAT It must be removed immediately. 45 ON DUKAT (OPTICAL) as he scans her scar with the regenerator it disappears. 46 ON MERU as she fingers the side of her face, marveling at how miraculously the scar has vanished. 47 WIDER as Dukat admires his handiwork. DUKAT There. (looking over her face) Beautiful. Dukat hands Basso the dermal regenerator. DUKAT (to Basso) Carry on. He then nods to Meru with a smile, and EXITS. Meru watches him go, unable to conceal her surprise and gratitude. BASSO I'd say congratulations are in order. You've all passed your first test. 48 ON KIRA as she looks at her mother, unable to hide her concern. This is the first indication she has that Dukat may not have been lying to her after all. And on that growing realization, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: 49 INT. WARDROOM Later. A party for the high-ranking Cardassians is in full swing. The officers are drinking and laughing with some of the Bajoran comfort women. Most of the women are doing their best to be accommodating; they know that to resist the drunken kisses and the wandering hands is to invite severe punishment. CAMERA COMES TO REST on Kira and Meru, who stand in a corner looking at the activities swirling around them. Kira clutches a bottle of kanar; it's uncertain if she intends to pour drinks or clobber the first Cardassian to come within range. Meru, though distressed by what she's witnessing, keeps looking down at her elegant clothes, smiling. KIRA Would you mind telling me what you're smiling about? MERU The Prophets. I never realized they had such a sense of humor. When I was a child, I would dream of having enough food to eat and pretty clothes to wear. (looking down at herself) And now, look at me... I have everything I ever wanted... (smiling at the irony) ... and I feel horrible. Kira smiles. KIRA It is kind of funny... in a horrible sort of way. MERU I suppose if I can survive starvation, I can survive this... Kira looks at her mother with newfound respect. MERU After all, we're Bajorans. We can survive anything... GUL (O.S.) You! Meru and Kira turn to see -- 50 ANGLE ON A CARDASSIAN OFFICER a GUL, holding a drink. He grabs Meru by the elbow and yanks her toward him. GUL Think you can stand there hiding in a corner all night? The Gul then drags her away into the room. Meru turns back to look at Kira. 51 ON KIRA as she sees the defeat and resignation in her mother's eyes. Instinctively, she moves toward her mother, only to have her way blocked by a short, older, benign- looking LEGATE. LEGATE I don't remember seeing you before. KIRA I just arrived yesterday. LEGATE And I bet I know what you're thinking... you'd like nothing better than to get us all drunk so you could kill us in our sleep. Kira is momentarily taken aback by the Legate's comment. But as she gives him a closer look, she guesses his bark is bigger than his bite. KIRA Are you sure you're not part Betazoid? LEGATE Come. Sit on my lap and tell me how much you hate Cardassians. The Legate sits on a couch and pulls Kira onto his lap. As the Legate wraps his arm contentedly around her body, Kira looks up to see her mother with the Gul. The Gul has her backed against the wall, pinned between his arms, kissing her neck and whispering god-knows- what lechery into her ear. LEGATE You Bajoran women... you're all so bony. KIRA That's because you Cardassians have been eating all our food. This banter pleases the Legate. LEGATE You know I could have you executed for that kind of insolence. KIRA Which is one of the reasons we hate you so much. LEGATE Clever girl. Now pour me some of that kanar and let's see if we can't work out our differences. Kira smiles falsely and does as she's told. As she pours the drink, we hear -- DUKAT (O.S.) (forceful) I said, let her go. Kira turns to see -- 52 ANGLE ON DUKAT AND BASSO who have just ENTERED the room. Dukat is standing by Kira's mother, dressing down the now-frightened Gul. GUL All I said to her was -- DUKAT I don't care what you were saying -- it's what you were doing I don't like. Now get away from her. The Gul quickly scampers away. DUKAT (to Meru) Are you all right? Regaining her composure, Meru nods, then offers Dukat a short, grateful smile. DUKAT (to Basso) Escort this woman back to her quarters. See that her privacy is respected. BASSO No one will disturb her. Basso indicates that Meru should follow him. 53 ANGLE ON KIRA AND THE LEGATE watching Dukat and her mother. LEGATE (softly) I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish behavior of one man. A puzzled Kira looks at the Legate, but before she can ask what he means -- 54 ANGLE ON DUKAT stepping up to Meru. DUKAT I only hope you won't condemn us all for the boorish behavior of one man. Meru, still shaken, nods her head and EXITS with Basso. 55 ON KIRA as she looks at the Legate. KIRA How'd you know he was going to say that? LEGATE Let's just say this is not the first performance I've seen of this little melodrama. (a beat) That woman should consider herself fortunate. She's caught the Prefect's eye. As of now, she's off limits to the rest of us (smiling lecherously) As for you... KIRA I know, I know... another glass of kanar. LEGATE For starters. Kira pours another tall drink for the Legate. As she does, Kira looks up to see Dukat quietly EXITING the party. 55A INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Later. Kira supports a very intoxicated Legate, as he staggers down the hallway. The Legate holds a bottle of kanar, from which he takes a swig when the mood strikes him. KIRA That's right... just put one foot in front of the other. LEGATE Don't tell me what to do... I'll put my feet wherever I want. I'm a Cardassian. As they arrive at the doors to her quarters: KIRA Whatever you say. Just try not to stumble out of any airlocks on your way home. But the Legate has other plans. LEGATE I'm not going home -- I'm coming in with you. KIRA No, you're going back to your quarters and going to sleep. LEGATE (belligerent) I want comfort and I want it now. You're a comfort woman, aren't you? You're dressed like one... KIRA Don't be fooled by appearances. LEGATE That mouth of yours is going to get you in trouble someday. (trying to push past Kira) Now let's go get some sleep. KIRA (pushing him back) I have a better idea. You sleep in your quarters and I'll sleep in mine. And tomorrow... Kira points the Legate down the corridor, then nudges him forward. LEGATE ... tomorrow you'll be all mine to do with as I please. The Legate leans against the bulkhead as he stumbles down the corridor. KIRA I can hardly wait. And as the Legate disappears around the corner, Kira quickly EXITS into her quarters. 56 INT. KIRA AND MERU'S QUARTERS As the doors close behind her, Kira takes a DEEP BREATH. Allowing the Legate to fawn all over her was an ordeal. It took every bit of self-control she possessed not to beat the hell out of him the minute he touched her. After a beat, an off screen noise from the bedroom prompts -- KIRA Meru, I'm back. Kira moves toward the bedroom. KIRA I'll need to shower for a week to get the smell of that legate off me -- But it isn't Meru that comes out of the bedroom, it's Basso, holding an armful of Meru's clothes. Behind him are TWO CARDASSIAN GUARDS. BASSO I'll be sure to tell him you said that. KIRA What are you doing here? Where's Meru? BASSO Looks like you're going to have these quarters all to yourself -- at least for a little while. KIRA (adamant) I said -- where's Meru? BASSO (a nasty little grin) She's moving up in the world. Your friend must have hidden talents I wasn't aware of. Our beloved Prefect has "invited" her to share his quarters. KIRA (hard) I want to see her. BASSO (amused) Do you? Basso heads for the door. Kira spins him around, forcing him to drop the clothes. KIRA Now -- take me to her. The Cardassian guards come up behind her -- one of them makes the mistake of grabbing her arm -- Kira twists out of his grasp and cold-cocks him with her free hand. The other Cardassian settles the matter by smacking her in the kidney with the butt of her rifle. Kira hits the ground, writhing in pain. CUT TO: 57 THRU OMITTED 61 62 INT. PROMENADE/BAJORAN GHETTO Basso opens the locked gate to the ghetto and a half- conscious Kira is flung inside. She gets to her hands and knees and looks up to see -- 63 KIRA'S POV of Basso locking the gate behind her and then walking away with the two guards. 64 ON KIRA as she forces herself to her feet. Kira reaches for the gate, but the pain in her side is too great and she slumps back to the floor. Kira looks around -- 65 KIRA'S POV of the BAJORAN WORKERS, huddled together in small groups, sleeping the sleep of the damned. 66 CLOSER ON KIRA as she contemplates her situation. And on her expression of pain and despair, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN: 67 INT. PROMENADE/BAJORAN GHETTO Weeks later. A tired and dirty Kira waits in a food line along with SEVERAL OTHER WEARY BAJORAN WORKERS. Once it's her turn, she picks up her bowl and spoon and steps up to receive her ration. The server, HALB DAIER, a gangly scarecrow of a man, casually stirs a pot of grayish stew and smiles amiably at Kira. HALB Tell me, how's work going on the Ore Processing Center? KIRA You ought to join the work detail sometime -- find out for yourself. HALB All in good time. Once the center is up and running, we'll all be slaving away down there. Halb ladles the stew into Kira's bowl and she moves on to find a place to sit. 68 ON HALB as he waves to another server to take his place, and then heads after Kira. He falls into step beside her. HALB (softly, so as to not be overhead) I have some news for you. KIRA About my friend? HALB (nodding) I know why you haven't heard from her these last few weeks. She hasn't been on the station. KIRA What are you talking about? HALB Word has it she's been off on a little "vacation" with Gul Dukat. They just got back today. Kira finds this news very distressing. HALB Why's that woman so important to you? She's nothing but a collaborator. KIRA She's not a collaborator. HALB She's a comfort woman for the spoonheads, isn't she? 69 NEW ANGLE as Kira finds a place to sit. Halb sits down next to her. KIRA So was I. HALB (dismissive) For a day. But I've been watching you. You have no love for the spoonheads. KIRA Neither does my friend. Now I already told you, I don't want to join your resistance cell, so why don't you just leave me alone. HALB I will, I promise. But first, I need you to draw a map for me. KIRA A map of what? HALB The Cardy side of the station. KIRA Like you said, I was only there for a day. HALB Whatever you can remember will be helpful. Quarters, corridors, meeting rooms... KIRA Why? What are you planning? HALB That doesn't concern you. Now are you going to help us or not? But before Kira can answer, there's a voice from off screen -- BASSO (O.S.) You. Kira turns to see -- 70 ANGLE ON BASSO flanked by his ubiquitous Cardassian guards. BASSO (to Kira) Follow me. And off Kira's surprised and suspicious reaction, we go to -- 71 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) Kira, escorted by the Cardassian guards, follows Basso through the corridor of the Cardassian section of the station. They stop in front of a familiar double door, where TWO MORE CARDASSIAN GUARDS are posted. The door scanner scans Kira's body. Satisfied that she's not concealing any weapons, the guards step aside to let her pass. BASSO (to Kira) You may enter. 72 INT. DUKAT'S QUARTERS Kira ENTERS to find Meru, seated at a table, studying a kotra board in mid-game. She looks up to see Kira -- MERU Luma! Meru immediately stands to greet her friend. We see that Meru is not the same woman anymore. She seems at ease in her surroundings, like a great lady of an estate. She's no longer dressed in the sexy gowns of a comfort woman, but rather in tasteful, elegant clothing. But Kira sees none of this -- all she cares about is that her mother is alive and well. KIRA Are you all right? The two women hug. KIRA I've been worried about you ever since that night they took you away. Kira steps back from the hug to look at her mother. MERU I know. I wanted to get a message to you... KIRA Has he hurt you? MERU Who? KIRA Dukat. MERU Hurt me? (shaking her head, how to explain) No, he hasn't hurt me. Meru steps over to the window, gathering her thoughts. MERU I wish I knew how to explain these last few weeks to you... make you understand. KIRA Understand what? DUKAT (O.S.) That I'm not the monster you think I am. They turn to see -- 72A ANGLE ON DUKAT as he ENTERS from the adjoining room, holding a vase full of Bajoran lilacs. Dukat appears to be in a very good mood. DUKAT (to Meru) You see? I told you I'd find a big enough vase. Dukat crosses over and puts the vase on a table top. DUKAT What do you think? MERU They're beautiful. Dukat looks over at Kira, with barely suppressed hostility. Kira isn't buying his "sweetness" at all. DUKAT (looking at Kira) I don't think your friend approves of the flowers... or of me. (to Meru) Are you sure this is the woman you want as your companion? MERU Yes. DUKAT (sighs) As you wish. (to Kira) The fact is, I've treated Meru with nothing but kindness and consideration. If you don't believe me, ask her. Then without waiting for an answer, Dukat turns away from Kira and kisses Meru tenderly. DUKAT I'll be back as soon as my meeting is over. Dukat EXITS. 73 ANGLE ON KIRA who stares at Meru, awaiting an explanation. MERU It's true. He's very different from what I expected. KIRA (anger building) Don't let the smile fool you -- he's still the enemy. MERU It's not that simple. KIRA Yes, it is. Kira finds it hard to remain calm. KIRA Meru, listen to me... while you're in here playing parlor games, he's busy carrying out the extermination of our people. MERU That's not true -- he's written to the Central Command urging them to rethink their policies toward Bajor. KIRA I wouldn't care if he played you a holo-recording showing him on his hands and knees begging the Central Command to end the Occupation -- it would still be a lie. Like that first night, when he "saved" you from that Gul. That wasn't real. He set the whole thing up to win you over. MERU He told me. He tells me everything. You just don't know him... Kira only wishes she could tell her mother how well she does know Dukat. KIRA I don't have to -- I know the things he's done. Kira has to restrain herself from grabbing Meru and shaking her. KIRA Look what he's done to you! He took you away from your family -- from your children. MERU He's promised to help them -- to see that they're given food and medical supplies. KIRA That still doesn't make it right. What about your husband? Taban loves you. How can you forget him so quickly? This strikes a nerve; Meru fires back with her anger growing. MERU I haven't forgotten him. What do you expect me to do -- kick and bite every time Dukat comes near me? How would that help Taban or the children? KIRA Is that what you're telling yourself? That you're doing all this for the children? The clothes, the food... the easy living? It's all for them? Are you that deluded? (accusatory) This isn't for them -- it's for you. You like it here. You enjoy playing house with that murderer. (hard) Don't you see what you are... what you've allowed yourself to become? You're a collaborator. MERU (scornful) A collaborator? Because I share Dukat's bed? KIRA No -- because you like sharing his bed... (a beat) ... because you've fallen in love with him. The accusation hangs in the air for a long beat. Finally, Kira turns and heads for the door. MERU Where're you going? KIRA Back where I belong. And with that, she EXITS. We HOLD ON a troubled Meru, contemplating her friend's harsh words. 74 OMITTED 75 INT. PROMENADE/BAJORAN GHETTO Close on a bajoran earring held in the palm of a man's hand. HALB.(O.S.) It's composed of ultritium resin. PULL BACK TO REVEAL Halb showing the earring to Kira. HALB Which means it's doubtful the Cardassian sensors will pick it up. Of course, there's always a chance... KIRA You let me worry about that. Halb is surprised at how at ease Kira seems to be with this sort of operation. HALB You sound like you've done this before. KIRA You'd be surprised. HALB (re: the bomb) Remember, the bomb is set to go off three minutes after it's been activated. And once it's activated, it can't be disarmed. So make sure you have enough time to get away. KIRA How large a blast radius are we talking about? HALB Twenty meters. I suggest you plant it somewhere in Dukat's quarters. KIRA (nodding) I'll pick the right spot. HALB What about that Bajoran mistress of his? KIRA What about her? HALB You can't risk telling her what you're doing -- not even to save her life. 76 CLOSE ON KIRA as she thinks it over. KIRA (grim) Why would I? Like you said, she's a collaborator. She deserves whatever she gets. And as a somber and determined Kira takes the earring from Halb, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: 77 INT. PROMENADE/BAJORAN GHETTO CLOSE ON KIRA standing by the gate entrance. Basso is on the other side of the gate, flanked by his two Cardassian guards. BASSO I'm beginning to find you very tiresome. KIRA I don't like you either. Now, I need you to take me to see Kira Meru. BASSO I have better things to do than shuttle you around this station. It's time you decided which side of this gate you want to be on. KIRA I have. Now take me to Kira so I can apologize to her. Basso smiles, Kira's contriteness somehow validates the decisions he's made in his life. BASSO Guard. A CARDASSIAN GUARD approaches and opens the gate. Kira steps out of the Ghetto. BASSO A wise decision. As she follows Basso, CAMERA ADJUSTS to find Halb watching them go. After a beat, we go to -- 78 OMITTED 79 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR Kira follows Basso through the Cardassian section of the station. She's a woman with purpose. 80 CLOSE ON HER EARRING as it sways back and forth with each step. 81 WIDER as Kira continues down the hallway. 82 ANOTHER SECTION OF CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as Kira and Basso arrive at the door to Gul Dukat's quarters. The guard at the door scans Basso, then turns to Kira. A tense moment as the guard scans Kira from head to toe -- or rather, toe to head. A poker-faced Kira awaits the result. After a beat, the guard steps aside and waves them inside. 83 INT. DUKAT'S QUARTERS The doors OPEN, allowing Kira and Basso to ENTER. Dukat and Meru are seated, finishing their dinner. MERU I didn't expect to see you again. KIRA I came because I owe you an apology. Those things I said... they were unfair. (a beat) I'd like us to be friends again. MERU (smiles) So would I. Meru looks over to Dukat to make sure it's okay. Dukat would rather not encourage this friendship, but he doesn't want to deny Meru what she wants -- at least not yet. DUKAT (pleasant, hiding the edge) Whatever pleases you, my dear. Meru gets up and goes over to Kira and embraces her warmly. This is very difficult for Kira, but she knows she has to play out the role; she hugs her mother back. MERU Can I get you something? KIRA Maybe later. MERU First thing we're going to have to do is find you some new quarters -- something close-by. KIRA Sounds good. 84 ANGLE ON BASSO as he takes out an isolinear rod from his pocket and hands it to Dukat. BASSO Here's a copy of the transmission you requested. DUKAT Thank you, Basso. That'll be all. Basso looks over at Kira. BASSO (to Dukat) What about her? DUKAT Don't concern yourself with Luma. (patting Kira on the shoulder) She's not going to give us any more trouble. Are you? Kira shakes her head. KIRA That's not what I'm here for. DUKAT No, it isn't. (to Basso) Find her some quarters. Basso nods. BASSO Right away. Basso EXITS. 85 ANGLE ON DUKAT as he hands Meru the isolinear rod. DUKAT This is for you. I think you'll find it very interesting. I'll be in my study if you need me. Meru takes the isolinear rod from Dukat, who EXITS into an adjoining room. Meru turns her attention to a monitor and slips the isolinear rod into the console. 86 ANGLE ON KIRA as she furtively takes off the earring and activates it. She then drops the earring in a potted plant near the entrance to Dukat's study, and only a few feet away from where her mother's sitting by the monitor. KIRA I'd better go see about my quarters. 87 NEW ANGLE With the bomb set, Kira turns to leave but she hears the monitor come to life with a familiar voice: TABAN (O.S.) Meru... I hope the Cardassians aren't lying to me -- Kira turns to see -- 88 KIRA'S POV OF THE MONITOR (OPTICAL) to see the face of Taban, her father. TABAN -- and that they really will send this message to you. 89 ON KIRA aware that the bomb is about to go off, but unable to tear herself away from her father's image on the monitor. TABAN I know it's only been a few weeks that we've been back home, but you should see the children. It's like they've been transformed. Reon and Pohl are laughing and playing together -- they've never been happier. And I swear, little Nerys must've gained five pounds. (somber) Of course they keep asking for you... I've told them you're still at the refugee center. I think that's best, at least for the time being. (a beat) I can't believe how much I miss you. I think about you all the time. You've saved all our lives... I hope you realize that. Kira hears a muffled sob. She's standing directly behind her mother, and can see that Meru's body is shaking with emotion. TABAN Never forget it -- not even for an instant. With a look toward the potted plant, Kira adjusts her position to get a better look at her mother's face. 90 NEW ANGLE Kira's mother is now in profile, and we can see the tears stream down her face as she watches her husband on the monitor. TABAN Every day I pray to the Prophets that you'll find some peace in this new life of yours... I believe that even in the worst of times, we can still find moments of joy and kindness. If you can find that kindness, hold on to it. 91 CLOSE ON KIRA as she listens to her father, fighting back the tears. TABAN (O.S.) And remember, no matter what happens... I love you, Meru. 92 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) as Kira watches her mother reach out to touch the face on the monitor. She is now sobbing openly. And as she runs her fingers on the monitor... TABAN I'll always love you. The screen goes blank, and for a moment the room is quiet, except for Meru's anguished weeping. 93 ON KIRA All she can think about is her father's words and the unconditional love he expressed. A love without judgement, without fear, and without anger. If her father can feel that way toward her mother, then she should, too. And with that thought, she feels the molten rock of bitterness and resentment inside her melt away... and then she looks over to the potted plant and remembers the bomb. 94 NEW ANGLE as Kira rushes over to her mother and drags her out of the chair. KIRA We've got to get out of here. MERU Why? KIRA (calling out) Dukat! Get out here -- now! With that, Kira shoves her mother toward the door. KIRA (to Meru) Go! Kira moves over to the entrance to the study as Dukat emerges. DUKAT What is all this? Kira grabs him by the arm and yanks him out the door. KIRA There's a bomb. A man with a highly-developed sense of self-preservation, Dukat doesn't need to be told a second time. DUKAT Meru! Dukat and Kira rush out the door, dragging Meru along with them. 95 INT. HABITAT RING CORRIDOR (OPTICAL) as the doors OPEN and Kira, Dukat and Meru stumble out into the doorway. The Cardassian guard raises his weapon, sensing something is wrong. But Dukat shoves him in the chest, pushing him aside. And as they take a couple of steps down the hallway, the bomb DETONATES, knocking everyone off their feet. 96 ON KIRA (OPTICAL) as the BLAST momentarily WIPES THE SCREEN. 97 NEW ANGLE as the smoke and dust from the explosion settle, Dukat and Meru lift their heads, surprised to be alive. Meru looks around -- Kira is nowhere to be seen. 98 INT. TEMPLE OF IPONU - DAY (OPTICAL) Kira finds herself standing before the orb, bathed in orb light. She quickly slams the doors of the orb box shut and takes a step back. She takes a deep breath, glad to have returned to the present. And off this moment -- 99 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Re-establishing. 100 INT. CAPTAIN'S OFFICE Sisko and Kira are standing by the window. Each holds a cup of raktajino. KIRA (introspective) I've always hated collaborators. (a bitter smile) After all, what could be worse than betraying your own people? During the occupation, if I ever had doubts about what their fate should be... all I had to do was think of my mother and how she gave her life for Bajor. She was a hero -- they were traitors. It was as simple as that. (a beat) Or so I thought... Kira grapples with this admission. SISKO She did what she had to do to save her family -- to save you. KIRA It still doesn't make it right. SISKO Maybe not, but it was her decision to make. This is all hard for Kira to accept; to come to grips with. KIRA I did some checking... my mother died in a Cardassian hospital seven years after meeting Dukat. (a beat) They were together seven years. Do you know how many Bajorans died in labor camps during that time? Died while my mother sat sipping kanar with Dukat... SISKO Tell me something, Nerys... if you hate her that much, why did you save her life? 101 CLOSE ON KIRA She's been wrestling with this very question since her orb experience ended. After a long beat -- KIRA Believe me, there's a part of me that wishes I hadn't. But the fact is, no matter what she had done... she was still my mother. And on that admission, we: FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END