STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Necessary Evil" #40512-428 Written by Peter Allan Fields Directed by Jim Conway THE WRITING CREDITS MAY NOT BE FINAL AND SHOULD NOT BE USED FOR PUBLICITY OR ADVERTISING PURPOSES WITHOUT FIRST CHECKING WITH THE TELEVISION LEGAL DEPARTMENT. Copyright 1993 Paramount Pictures Corporation. All Rights Reserved. This script is not for publication or reproduction. No one is authorized to dispose of same. If lost or destroyed, please notify the Script Department. Return to Script Department FINAL DRAFT PARAMOUNT PICTURES CORPORATION September 17, 1993 STAR TREK: DS9 - "Necessary Evil" 09/16/93 - CAST STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Necessary Evil" CAST SISKO PALLRA KIRA GUL DUKAT ODO GUARD QUARK TRAZKO BASHIR SECURITY COM VOICE DAX ROM Non-Speaking Non-Speaking N.D. BAJORANS CARDASSIAN GUARDS STAR TREK: DS9 - "Necessary Evil" - 09/16/93 - SETS STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Necessary Evil" SETS INTERIORS EXTERIORS DEEP SPACE NINE DEEP SPACE NINE PROMENADE/GHETTO AREA SECURITY OFFICE/STORAGE ROOM SHIP'S STORE QUARK'S CHEMIST SHOP HABITAT CORRIDOR INFIRMARY HOLDING CELL AREA PALLRA'S LIVING ROOM STAR TREK: DS9 - "Necessary Evil" 09/17/93 - PRONUNCIATION STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Necessary Evil" PRONUNCIATION GUIDE PYRELLIAN pih-REHL-ee-uhn HADAR hah-DAHR CHESISO CHES-soh CHESISARRO ches-SAHR-roh MELDRAR MEHL-drahr PULSATEL PULL-sah-tehl CORTOLIN kohr-TOHL-ihn VAATRIK VA-trik GUL DUKAT gull du-KOT STAR TREK: DEEP SPACE NINE "Necessary Evil" TEASER 1 OVER BLACK: a quiet distant roll of thunder. Don't fade in; instead: CUT TO: 2 INT. PALLRA'S LIVING ROOM - NIGHT Muted lightning from candles, oil lamps. A Bajoran woman (PALLRA) at a window... she's blonde, dressed entirely in white. She opens the window as the lightning blinks lightly outside, takes a deep cleansing breath of the rain breeze... PALLRA I didn't kill him, you know. She turns and looks toward us... and as the lightning flickers outside, half her body is illuminated as we see her face for the first time... and it takes our breath away. She's the kind of woman men kill for. Or die for. She moves away from the window... it's hot... her skin shines vaguely like a rain-slicked street. In another apartment, someone is practicing an alien instrument, (not electronic). The music floats in the window -- a hauntingly romantic and yet disturbing melody with chromatic intervals... it is a theme that will haunt us throughout our story... PALLRA A lot of people believed it was me. That shape-shifter thought so. But he was wrong. She moves to a sofa where QUARK sits, sipping a drink, listening curiously... why the hell tell me?, his face seems to say. Sexual tension fills the air. QUARK It was a long time ago. PALLRA (nods, beat, not ready to get down to business) Say what you will about the Cardassians... at least they could keep the power on... do you want more ice? QUARK I'm fine. His eyes measure her... what does she want? PALLRA You were always very kind. QUARK Was I? PALLRA You made life a little easier. QUARK I ran a black market for anyone who could pay. Never exactly thought of myself as... kind. PALLRA But there was a little extra ginger tea in the package you gave me, wasn't there... They look at each other a long beat... she isn't wrong... they both know it... QUARK You didn't call me to Bajor to talk about tea. PALLRA I need a favor. QUARK (dry) For old times sake. PALLRA That's right. QUARK I'm still as kind as ever. PALLRA I can pay you. QUARK I'm listening. She rises, moves back toward the window... the breeze blows through her hair, moves through and under her dress... PALLRA My husband kept a strongbox in our shop on the station. Buried in the wall. I want you to bring it to me. QUARK What's in it... PALLRA Nothing anyone would value. QUARK Anyone but you. PALLRA Sentimental reasons. QUARK Why not take a sentimental journey back to the station... if it's your property... PALLRA I couldn't stand going back to that shop... where my husband was murdered... QUARK Or maybe you'd rather not let Odo see you there. PALLRA I'm sure he's forgotten about all that by now. Quark smiles -- they both know she's lying. PALLRA (beat) Can you neutralize the security system... ? Quark nods. PALLRA I knew I could count on you. (beat) It's behind the panelled wall to the right as you enter. Four panels in... and two up... QUARK Four in. Two up. PALLRA I'll give you five bars of latinum. QUARK (uncertain) Five... ? PALLRA And as always... my personal gratitude. A beat as Quark studies her... the lightning flickers, she's irresistible... no matter how tough he plays it, he knows it and what's worse, so does she. He nods, rises. QUARK A day. Maybe two. She smiles with promise. He leaves. A beat later, a heavy set, muscular man (TRAZKO) appears from the shadows of the other room. Pallra glances at him with cold eyes... everything went exactly as planned. FADE OUT. END OF TEASER ACT ONE FADE IN: (NOTE: Episode credits fall over opening scenes) 3 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) (STOCK) Establishing. 4 INT. PROMENADE - LATE NIGHT Seems deserted; all shops and other places sealed for the night; almost all signage shut off. Dark and silent. Finding the silhouette of ODO standing at his door, backlit, making one last look down the Promenade. His voice over has the undertone of somebody who'd prefer not to be bothered -- ODO (V.O.) Commence Station Security log. Stardate 47282.5. At the request of Commander Sisko, I will hereafter be recording a daily log of law enforcement affairs. 5 INT. SECURITY OFFICE As Odo comes in, and begins to turn off consoles and lights... ODO (V.O.) The reason for this exercise is beyond my comprehension except perhaps that humans have a compulsion to keep records and lists and files... so many in fact that they have to invent new ways to store them microscopically. Otherwise their records would overrun all known civilization. (beat) My own very adequate memory not being good enough for Starfleet, I am pleased to put my voice to this official record of this day: Everything's under control. End log. He moves to his back room... 6 INT. PROMENADE - POV OF THE SECURITY OFFICE as the last light inside goes off... 7 ANGLE ON QUARK & ROM QUARK Now. They move stealthily along the side of the lower Promenade; flattening themselves as much as possible against the wall to avoid detection by any possible passersby. ROM carries a satchel of lightweight tools over his shoulder. 8 CLOSER - QUARK & ROM looking every which way as they sneak along. They'll speak in STAGE WHISPERS: QUARK When we get to the entrance, you stay flat against the wall. It's a pulsatel lockseal. I can get it to release in about twenty-five seconds. ROM Twenty-five seconds... but somebody will see us... let me do it... QUARK (scoffs) You? We'd be at it all night. ROM No, only about ten seconds. Quark stops dead -- stares at Rom. QUARK How would you release a pulsatel lockseal in ten seconds? ROM You have one on the storeroom door. QUARK So? ROM Sometimes when you forget to leave me the desealer, I have to get the storeroom open. QUARK (deadly) You've unsealed the storeroom without my knowledge? ROM Only to serve a customer's needs... QUARK In ten seconds? ROM You forget fairly often. They're again moving surreptitiously to... 8A FRONTING SHIP'S STORE Quark removes the satchel from Rom's shoulder -- will dig into it for something, as: QUARK Ten seconds. (searching satchel) We'll see how you handle this desealing rod. ROM (fishes in pocket) That's all right; I have my own. QUARK (stops; gapes) What? Rom pulls forth a little penknife-looking gizmo -- which he opens to reveal a short strip of metal, having key-like ridges along both sides, and an icepick-like tip. ROM Nog made it for me. Boy's always been clever with his hands. Quark's now gaping at the open desealer. Agog; his mind on: QUARK ... my storeroom. Rom moves to the lockseal on the front door of the shop; will go to work on it, as: ROM (cheerily) Time this, Brother; you'll be very proud. QUARK ... my storeroom. 9 INT. SHIP'S STORE as, from without, the front door-seal is broken open (just enough of a SNAP-CRACK Sound to tell us it's a break-in, rather than something being properly unlocked). Quark and ROM sneak in, closing the door behind them. Both take palm lights from the satchel. This is a shop that sells and repairs techno gadgets that ships need. There's a workbench... several gadgets and tools on display. Throughout the above: QUARK (accusatory hiss) Thief. Don't deny it. You've been stealing from me... ROM Brother, I'd never... QUARK Tomorrow morning, I'm changing my entire lock system. Quark moves to the wall to his right... it is a panelled wall, with multiple Cardassian duranium squares checkerboarding the wall. Quark counts the squares as ordered... QUARK Four in... two up... here... it's behind this one... Focusing on the right panel... attached at its four corners as by 24th century equivalent of screws. QUARK Keep an eye on the Promenade... Quark again starts rummaging around in the satchel, pulls out a laser torch device as... QUARK (continuing) ... while I burn off the panel. ROM The glare could attract attention. I have a better idea. QUARK A better idea. Rom reaches into the satchel... ROM I took the liberty of bringing along a small vial of magnasite drops... He pulls it out... QUARK Magnasite drops? What are magnasite drops? Rom will take the container -- which looks exactly like an eyedrop bottle (including the eyedropper itself) and begin applying it to each of the four corner "screws" of the panel. As he's doing so: ROM A compound that will eat through duranium... one on each corner and the panel will fall off... QUARK (again, deadly) How do you know that? The four corners of the panel on which Rom has dabbed a bit of the magnasite drops from the dropper, now BEGIN TO SMOKE... ROM (still happily working) When you were in the Gamma Quadrant overnight... we did very good business... naturally, I had to keep your profits safe. But you had the only key to the latinum floor vault. QUARK (stupefied) You got into my latinum floor vault with... (re: eye drop bottle) ... that? The panel falls off... ROM I didn't want to tell you because then you'd know I'd burned off your floor plates. But I replaced them out of my own salary, Brother... QUARK (softly) ... my vault... Rom shines his light into the hole and sees through the conduits... 10 INSERT - SMALL CONTAINER IN WALL HOLE In a hole in the wall which had been covered by the panel, rests a small, plain, sealed metal strongbox. 11 RESUME - SHOT Rom, seeing the small box, waits for Quark to take it out. But Quark -- still thunderstruck -- just stands there. ROM Should I take it out for you? Quark finally alerts -- moves forward, reaching over and between conduits, with: QUARK Don't touch it. (taking box) Don't you touch anything. Ever; ever; again. 12 INT. QUARK'S (OPTICAL) Closeup of the box. Still very late at night. A laser tool carefully unseals the strongbox. As it opens to reveal a piece of paper... QUARK (O.S.) Just a piece of paper... ? Quark's hand pulls it out... 13 ANGLE ON QUARK AND ROM ROM A treasure map, perhaps? Quark unfolds it, reacts as he studies it... Rom doesn't get it... ROM What does it mean, brother? QUARK I have no idea. 14 INSERT - LIST on the page, a handwritten list of eight Bajoran names. QUARK Eight names. All of them Bajoran... 15 RESUME QUARK I want a picture of this list before I reseal the box. Go; get me an imager. Go. As Rom scurries off to a rear (o.s.) room: 16 INCLUDING TRAZKO (OPTICAL) as he emerges from the shadows -- weapon at-the-ready. Quark senses his approach -- wheels around; bolts to his feet. QUARK You can't be in here; we're closed... (sees the phaser) Well, if you really want a drink... A beat, as the agonizing force of the realization hits him... that he's dead and he should have seen it coming... QUARK She sent you, didn't she... TRAZKO (shrugs) She knew you couldn't resist opening it. (takes the list) Sorry. QUARK Yeah. Me too. Trazko shoots him full in the chest. Quark is blasted backward, landing motionless on the floor. Trazko EXITS. 17 INCLUDING ROM He RE-ENTERS from the opposite direction, carrying an imager -- which he drops, forgotten, at the sight of Quark. ROM Brother! He rushes to stand over Quark. ROM Brother?... (shouts) Help! 18 ON ROM Truly, helplessly panicked... frightened. He peers around at the darkness, and: ROM Somebody, help! 19 ON QUARK'S BODY Indeed, looks dead. ROM (O.S.) My brother's been killed! MOVE IN and HOLD, until we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT ONE ACT TWO FADE IN: 20 INT. QUARK'S A few minutes later as SISKO ENTERS... emergency medical treatment underway... BASHIR, hair tousled, wearing a T-shirt with his Starfleet pants as though he got out of bed and dressed in a hurry is working with a nurse to save Quark's life, checks the wound with a tricorder... Odo is already there, pressing Rom for answers... ROM BASHIR (to Odo) (urgent, to nurse) I don't know! I don't Ten cc's of cortolin... know! I want an anti-grav lift in here, stat... ready the cortical stimulator... (repeating a question he's asked once already, to anyone as he works) ... what kind of weapon... I'm waiting for an answer... Odo frustrated with Rom, moves to Bashir beside Sisko... KIRA ENTERS in the background, observes... ODO I can't confirm it, Doctor... but whatever it was had to get by the scanners... My best guess is a compressed tetryon beam weapon... BASHIR (nods, working feverishly) Okay. Okay. That's consistent with what I'm seeing... (to nurse) Get the stimulator over here... SISKO Doctor... ? Bashir sighs, I don't know... only glances at Sisko, doesn't stop what he's doing... BASHIR Thoracic cavity ruptured. Extensive neural trauma. He places the stimulator on the side of the neck... ODO BASHIR (to Sisko) Now! Rom says it was a robbery attempt. Quark jerks as the stimulator works... an anti-grav lift is brought in bytwo Bajoran security men... SISKO What was taken? BASHIR ODO Increase five percent. He says he doesn't know. But he knows. Quark jerks again... Bashir takes another tricorder reading... KIRA (to Sisko) Security's stopping everyone at the airlocks... but it took them five minutes to get in position... the assailant may already be on a ship... SISKO BASHIR Delay outgoing vessels We've got to get him to as long as you can... surgery... help me get him advise their respective up here... security details... She acknowledges, leaves... the two security men and the nurse help Bashir lift Quark to the lift and they move him quickly out of the room... Odo moves back to Rom... Sisko casually joins him... ROM (lost) He's dying, isn't he? He's dying. What am I going to do if my brother dies? ODO Do? Oh, you'll have a lot to do. Once this place is yours. ROM But if he dies... (beat as it soaks in) Mine? ODO "Wives serve, brothers inherit." Rule of Acquisition number one hundred thirty-nine, if I'm not mistaken. ROM (brightens up) I hadn't thought of that. ODO Really. I had. Because, it's a solid motive for murder. ROM Yes, actually, I have heard of a few untimely deaths that seemed... wait a minute, you're not suggesting that I... ODO I've had my eye on you for a long time, Rom. You're not as stupid as you look. ROM I am too. I would never... Sisko moves easily into the good cop-bad cop routine... puts a comforting hand on Rom's shoulder... SISKO Constable, it's his own brother... ROM My own brother... SISKO I hardly think... ODO Stay out of this, Commander. I know these Ferengi. They'd sell their own flesh and blood for a Cardassian groat... SISKO Odo, he's a family friend. His son is very close to my boy... ODO Well, you'd better tell his son that Dad's going to the lunar prison on Meldrar One. Two hundred degrees in the shade. ROM I didn't. It's not true. Oh, irony of ironies. I finally get the bar and I'm falsely accused of my brother's murder. SISKO Rom, as a friend, if you know anything that might be helpful, I think you should tell us... ROM It was a list. The man who shot my brother stole a list. Sisko and Odo exchange a triumphant glance. ODO What kind of list? ROM Of names. Eight Bajoran names. It was in this box we... we found... He shows Odo the strongbox. ODO Found... ? ROM (sighs) In a manner of speaking... 21 INT. PROMENADE - STILL NIGHT LIGHTS Odo accompanies Rom as he leads them toward the ship's store... ROM My brother was hired by someone on Bajor to retrieve it. ODO Who? ROM He didn't tell me. He never told me anything. I tried so hard to earn Quark's trust. Now he's dead. And I can never earn his trust. ODO (pressing him) Just his share of the profits. ROM I swear I don't know who hired him. All I know is that the box had been hidden years ago... ODO How many years ago? ROM I'm not sure. When the Cardassians were here. When the ship's store used to be the chemist shop. Odo reacts with special meaning... ODO The... chemist shop... ? ROM That's right. They're at the front of the ship's store... Odo looks at it with special meaning. ODO Here? This is where you found the box? ROM Behind a duranium wall panel. I'll show you which one. Rom moves forward to the door, but Odo is still lost in his thoughts... ROM Do you want me to open it? I can do it in ten seconds... Odo doesn't bother to respond... he just steps forward slowly, his mind still working, and silently presses a code into the door security panel... the door slides open... and as Odo walks in... START FLASHBACK: 22 INT. CHEMIST SHOP ... It's five years earlier... as Odo ENTERS the shop. His "attire" is different (appropriate to occupation times), but his face looks the same. The doors don't, though... nor does the chemist's shop into which he's walked (alone). (NOTE: Odo himself is, in this period, quieter, and with a far less open and decisive demeanor. His eyes dart everywhere -- not through cunning, but due to uncertainty in these surroundings, and with these people. This is an earlier Odo in personality as well as attire. At this point, he's an outsider without status -- maybe even the neighborhood "freak" -- and used to being treated as such.) ODO You asked to see me? 23 FULL SHOT We now see how the chemist's shop looked when this was the Bajoran Ghetto section of the Cardassian station: A sparsely supplied, ramshackled excuse for a shop. Sprawled on the floor is the body of the Bajoran Chemist (who'll be referred to as Vaatrik)... covered with a sheet. Sitting casually on a desk, drinking a cup of hot, steaming liquid, reading a PADD is GUL DUKAT, who looks up, gregarious. GUL DUKAT Yes, yes, please come in. We've met before. Gul Dukat. Odo hesitantly shakes hands, glances at the sheet. He doesn't like Cardassians any more than anyone else. ODO Have we? GUL DUKAT I don't expect you'd remember. I was one of the guests at the reception. At the Bajoran Center for Science... it must have been two years ago. ODO Ah yes, when the Cardassian High Command was invited to... view me. GUL DUKAT You were very amusing that night. ODO (dry) Was I. GUL DUKAT You did a Cardassian neck trick that brought the house down. ODO The Bajoran scientist who worked with me thought you might find it entertaining. He made me practice for weeks on the... Cardassian neck trick. GUL DUKAT Gul Hadar couldn't stop talking about it. He wanted to send you out to entertain the troops. (beat) I, on the other hand, began to wonder if you couldn't provide a more valuable service to the Cardassian Empire. I've stayed informed about you, Odo... since you walked out on your Bajoran keepers. ODO I simply felt I could learn more outside a laboratory. GUL DUKAT Yes, you've become something of a student of humanoid nature, haven't you... ODO Just what is it you need, Gul Dukat? Dukat raises the sheet to show Odo the body. GUL DUKAT Ever seen a dead man before? ODO Yes. In your mines. GUL DUKAT Those were casualties. This is murder. I've decided you're going to investigate it. ODO Me? Why me? I'm no investigator. GUL DUKAT But I have a suspicion you'd make a good one. Shape-shifting your way into places the rest of us can't go... ODO I have no intention of being a Cardassian agent. And it's said with such force that Dukat has to blink at the impertinence of it. Odo stares at him and won't back off it. Dukat controls himself, smiles. GUL DUKAT Not an agent. An investigator. ODO There's a difference... ? GUL DUKAT We can't have these Bajorans running around, murdering each other. I'm talking about order. Justice. Odo looks at him evenly. ODO There is very little justice in the Cardassian occupation of Bajor. GUL DUKAT (breaking character, harsh) Don't push me, Odo. My superiors would have me "solve" this murder by choosing ten Bajorans at random and executing them! I am hoping you'll give me a better alternative. Odo looks at Dukat evenly, is already beaten, knows it... waits for orders... a long beat, Dukat gets his mask back on... GUL DUKAT Now, these Bajorans won't talk to us... but they seem to trust you... I understand you used to sort out local disputes in some Bajoran village or other. ODO (slight nod) Now and then. GUL DUKAT And as I've heard it, you do the same for our Bajoran laborers here on the station. Petty disputes in the barracks over food, blankets, everyday things like that... They come to you. ODO I suppose I'm considered a neutral observer. GUL DUKAT Of course. You're not one of them. And you should be thankful for it. So here's another petty dispute. Only this time I'm bringing it to you. Find the murderer. A beat... a surrender... ODO Are there any witnesses? 24 INT. STORAGE ROOM/SECURITY OFFICE - CLOSE ON PALLRA Pallra is not as glamorous as we saw her in the future... but she's a handsome woman even in occupation clothes... in fact, her clothes are just a cut above the rest we've seen... she sits on one of two folding-type chairs... some crates still are around. There should be a small computer that was probably used for inventory. GUL DUKAT (O.S.) Sorry to keep you waiting, Mrs. Vaatrik. Moving to find Dukat ENTERING with Odo. GUL DUKAT This is Odo. He'll be investigating your husband's death. Perhaps you two already know each other. PALLRA (trying to recognize) Have you been in the shop... ? ODO No. I don't use chemicals. GUL DUKAT (to Odo) I've assigned this space to you. We'll get you anything you need. Good hunting. My sympathies, Madame. He bows to her and EXITS. She looks to Odo. After a long beat. ODO I'm sorry for your loss. PALLRA Thank you. Odo searches for the right questions to ask. Nothing comes natural to him here. ODO Do you have any idea who might have done this? PALLRA I have a very good idea. ODO (reacts) You do... PALLRA (sighs) May I be honest with you... ? ODO That might be helpful. PALLRA My husband was having an affair. Some girl came on the station about a week ago. He was... infatuated with her, I don't know... Why are men like that? ODO Believe me, I have no idea. PALLRA We had two wonderful years together... until she arrived and now... (sighs, angry, shaking her head) ODO You loved him very much. PALLRA Of course I did. ODO Then, perhaps you might explain something I don't understand. PALLRA What's that? ODO Mister Vaatrik was found dead two hours ago. Mrs. Vaatrik hasn't shed a tear. PALLRA (about to deny) What makes you think... ODO By necessity I'm an observer, Mrs. Vaatrik. When a humanoid cries, the epidermis below the eyes swells noticeably. Your epidermis is perfectly normal. PALLRA I'm too angry to cry. The shock... ODO Of course. So you were about to accuse this other woman of the murder, I believe... And Pallra who's played this scene in her mind several times has had her entire rhythm thrown off by Odo's approach... she tries to regain her balance... PALLRA He had confessed his indiscretion to me days ago but said it was over... ODO And when he broke it off with her, she killed him in a jealous rage. PALLRA Something like that. ODO Do you know her name? PALLRA No, but I can point her out to you. Odo nods, she rises and they EXIT to... 25 INT. PROMENADE GHETTO AREA A wire-like fence in immediate f.g. separates the (o.s.) Cardassian part of the Promenade from the part -- which we're now seeing beyond the fence -- that is the Bajoran ghetto. It's the equivalent of the Warsaw Ghetto of WWII. No lights to mark the few little open shops; only cold, hungry, ragged Bajorans sitting in open doorways, or trudging wearily to and from their back-breaking labors; no color to anything; no hope of anything. Odo and Pallra EMERGE from the chemist's shop (just within the fence in f.g.), and head away from us through the dreary ghetto... past a small campfire... 26 MOVING WITH ODO AND PALLRA ODO When was the last time you saw Mister Vaatrik alive? PALLRA At dinner. He went back to the shop to do some inventory work afterwards. She chokes on the last words... Odo glances at her to see tears are finally coming down her cheeks... he is unmoved... ODO You don't live in community quarters. PALLRA No. We were lucky enough to be assigned a private room... I guess because we ran the shop... at least we had a little privacy... (Odo grunts an acknowledgement) There... that's her... As they pause near a soup kitchen... a few pathetic-looking N.D. Bajorans are making use of it -- as is one young Bajoran female whose face we cannot yet see. Following the direction of her pointing finger... 27 NEW ANGLE TO REVEAL - KIRA is sitting there. END FLASHBACK HERE, as we go: 28 CLOSE - ODO ... staring, just as he was, at that spot on the Promenade where the "soup kitchen," and Kira, had been standing in the Flashback... as we hear: KIRA (O.S.) Odo? 29 INT. PROMENADE - REGULAR LIGHTS - ANGLE FAVORING KIRA as she approaches Odo along the (present day) Promenade. KIRA We haven't picked up anyone at the airlocks. I can't hold up outbound traffic any longer... ODO (acknowledges) I'm sure he disposed of the weapon before he left. She begins to leave... pauses... KIRA I heard about the list... (Odo looks at her) ... the one that Quark got out of the wall... ODO Rom said it had been hidden there during the occupation. KIRA (nods) I couldn't help wondering if it had... something to do with Vaatrik... ODO I've been wondering the same thing. Kira acknowledges, leaves a tad awkwardly, and as we HOLD on Odo concentrating on his memories, until we... 30 OMITTED FADE OUT. END OF ACT TWO ACT THREE FADE IN: 31 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) ODO (V.O.) Security log, Stardate 47284.1. In this job, there is no unfinished business. 32 INT. PROMENADE Moving toward the Security office... where we can see Odo inside pacing... perhaps barking a question to an unseen witness... ODO (V.O.) (continuous) The assault on Quark reopens a five- year-old murder case that I've never, not for a moment, closed. Patience is a lost virtue to most. To me, an ally. 33 INT. SECURITY OFFICE The unseen witness is Rom... Odo is frustrated with him... ROM I barely saw it... I'm sorry... I don't remember any of the names... ODO All right... all right... let's just... relax a moment... ROM I really ought to be getting back to my bar... ODO He's not dead yet, Rom. ROM They're not keeping him alive by artificial means, are they... my brother wouldn't want that... ODO No, he's clinging to life all on his own. ROM (sighs) Typical. ODO All right, let's try again... (beat, a new approach) Close your eyes... Rom does. ODO (continuing) Take a deep breath, clear your mind of everything in it... if there's anything there... breathe... Rom nods... picking up the pace... ODO Now what do you see... ROM The bar... ODO Yes. ROM With my name on it. ODO The past, Rom. Not the future. The box opens. There's a piece of paper in it... ROM Yes, yes, I see it... ODO Quark unfolds it... there's a list of names... Bajoran names... the one at the very top catches your eye... and the first letter is... Faster exchange -- ROM "C!" It's a "C." ODO And the next letter is... ROM Uh...uh... ODO Skip to the last letter in the name, Rom... ROM "O!" It's an "O." ODO Starts with a "C," ends with an "O." ROM And... and... there's a mark in the name... ODO An apostrophe... Rom opens his eyes. ROM Ches'so! ODO You're sure? ROM Yes. Maybe. ODO Maybe. ROM It's something like Ches'so. I think. 34 INT. PROMENADE Odo and Rom come out of the security office... Odo has a small PADD... somewhere during the following a couple of young children will be running happily, with glop on a stick... ODO Call me day or night if you remember something else... Rom moves down the Promenade... Odo watches him go a beat... Kira moves beside him... KIRA Anything? Odo hands her the PADD... 35 INSERT - THE PADD shows the name "CHES'SO"... KIRA (O.S.) Ches'so... 36 RESUME ODO Might be the first name on the list. Remember anyone from those days on the station with that name? KIRA No, but I wasn't here very long. There's private humor between them in that statement. ODO So I recall. KIRA (beat) We've never talked about it. ODO We never had to. KIRA I would have been executed. ODO You were innocent of the crime I was investigating. KIRA That wouldn't have mattered to the Cardassians. ODO It mattered to me. And as they walk out of frame, we HEAR the sound of an iron gate closing... overlapping as we... CUT TO: 37 INT. PROMENADE (FLASHBACK) - ON THE GATE sealing the ghetto off... the Cardassian guards closing it behind some ragged Bajoran workers... children here, hang onto the fence and peer outside, wondering about the other side... 38 ANGLE - AT THE SOUP KITCHEN as before... close on Kira at her seated position... alone, thoughtful... ODO (O.S.) Do you mind if I join you? As she looks up, move to reveal Odo sitting... she doesn't choose to say anything, keeps to herself... and this is not a compliment but an opening gambit -- ODO A pretty girl like you shouldn't be eating alone. Not looking at him... KIRA I don't do whatever it is you want. Not for money. Not for food. And she's just hit Odo's most vulnerable spot - that male- female area... it throws him... awkwardly -- ODO No, you misunderstand... I'm sorry, of course I can see how you could... let me start over... KIRA Are you some kind of a security officer? ODO (taken aback again) How did you know that? KIRA You are, aren't you. ODO Unofficially, I suppose that's true. KIRA "Unofficially?" What does that mean? ODO Gul Dukat asked me to investigate the murder of a Bajoran man named Vaatrik. I understand you knew him. KIRA (not trying to lie well) Who says I did... Odo turns to motion toward Pallra who is standing several yards away, across the thoroughfare... ODO His widow. Kira looks at her, makes eye contact, ice forms along the eye line and after a beat, Pallra turns and marches away... KIRA I suppose she told you I killed him... ODO Did you? KIRA (sincere, in the eyes) No. ODO On the contrary, you were in love with him. KIRA (beat, curious) No. Odo's expectations are again shaken. ODO But he was in love with you. KIRA No. ODO It doesn't sound like much of a romance. KIRA We weren't having a romance. ODO Then, why would he tell his wife you were? KIRA (with irony) You'll have to ask him. ODO (threatening) If you were having an affair, I promise you I'll find out about it. KIRA All you're going to find is that I've been here for two weeks. I met the man just after I arrived. He had Pyrellian ginger tea... I don't know where he managed to get it. But I like ginger tea. We got to be friends. Maybe he was attracted to me. It never went anywhere. ODO You're suggesting this affair was all in his head. KIRA Or she's lying to you. She rarely tells the truth. ODO How do you know that? KIRA He told me. ODO What else did he tell you? KIRA More than you ever want to know about the life of a chemist. A beat as Odo measures her... KIRA Why do you think Dukat wanted you on this investigation? ODO I'm sure he had good reasons. KIRA Why not his own security people? ODO No Bajoran would talk to them. KIRA That's never stopped the Cardassians before. They have ways of getting information. (Odo doesn't know) Something to think about. ODO Where were you last night? KIRA At the bar... I heard the Ferengi are allowed to hire some Bajorans for the dog work. Better than the mines. ODO You haven't spent any time in the mines. KIRA How do you know that? ODO Your hands. KIRA You're not bad at this... you're right, my last job was in a replicator plant on Bajor. ODO You're not allowed to quit those jobs. What happened? KIRA I hit a supervisor... who tried what I thought you were trying a few minutes ago. ODO I appreciate your restraint this time. (she grins) You're not planning on leaving the station soon... KIRA If I were, would you have the Cardassians stop me? ODO Yes. KIRA Then, I'm not planning on leaving the station soon. Odo rises... KIRA I'll tell you something... He looks down at her... KIRA (continuing) "Unofficially" or not, you're working for the Cardassians. Sooner or later, you're going to have to decide whose side your on. ODO I don't choose "sides." KIRA Everybody has to choose sides... Constable. Odo studies her... walks away... on her face as she watches him go... 39 INT. HABITAT CORRIDOR Odo comes out of a turbolift... moves down the corridor... stops at a corner as he hears voices: PALLRA (O.S.) Goodnight. GUL DUKAT (O.S.) Trust me. You have nothing to worry about. Odo peeks around the corner to see Gul Dukat is standing at Pallra's door... kissing her... Odo moves back behind the wall, reacting. 40 ANGLE - ON DUKAT AND PALLRA as they break their kiss, Dukat smiles and she goes inside... he walks toward Odo, turns the corner and as he passes where Odo used to be, there is now a picture on the wall of Dukat and it's crooked... he walks by it, then stops, looks curiously at the picture, straightens it and leaves. 41 ANGLE - ON PALLRA'S DOOR Odo arrives and presses the chime... the door opens and Pallra appears with a very personal smile, expecting that Dukat has come back for something... her face changes perceptibly as she sees Odo... ODO There were just a few more questions... PALLRA I was... just about to take a bath... ODO I could come back later... PALLRA No... no, that's all right, come in... And as he enters and the door slides shut... END FLASHBACK AS: 42 INT. PALLRA'S LIVING ROOM The power is back on... PALLRA I don't know what you're talking about. ODO You knew nothing about a list. PALLRA Nothing. 42 CONTINUED: ODO Why would your husband have hidden a list of Bajoran names? PALLRA I can't imagine why. Are you sure it was him? ODO No. PALLRA Maybe the Cardassians put it there. Before they left. ODO Someone on Bajor told Quark where to find it. PALLRA I wish I could help. I sort of liked that little Ferengi. ODO Don't write his eulogy yet. He's still with us. PALLRA I thought you said... ODO He was shot. At point blank range. The Federation doctor saved his life. PALLRA Good for him. ODO Does the name "Ches'so" mean anything to you? PALLRA I don't think so. Who is it? ODO Just someone I'd like to talk to. She shakes her head, playing dumb. Odo, rises and moves to the door... ODO Thank you for seeing me. PALLRA If this has anything to do with my husband's murder, I want to help in any way I can. Odo pauses... ODO Oh, there was one other thing... I understand your power was recently terminated for lack of payment. She barely stiffens. PALLRA That's right. ODO But you were able to transfer funds to the power company this morning. PALLRA (charming, not harsh) I don't appreciate your looking into my private affairs. ODO It's just part of a routine investigation. If you could tell me where you got the money. PALLRA A loan from a friend. ODO Of course. Your friend's name? PALLRA (smiles) Odo, this really has nothing to do with your investigation... ODO (smiles as best he can) Good, then you won't mind giving me the name. PALLRA I'm sorry. My "friend" is... married. I won't drag him into this. Odo thinks about pursuing it, doesn't, nods, EXITS. We stay a beat on her face and... FADE OUT. END OF ACT THREE ACT FOUR FADE IN: 43 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 44 INT. INFIRMARY - CLOSE ON QUARK'S UNCONSCIOUS FACE attached to life support systems... ODO (V.O.) Security Log, supplemental. The Ferengi holds on to life like it's gold-pressed latinum. 45 REVERSE ANGLE - ODO studying him... Bashir moves beside him... BASHIR The next several hours will tell the story... we've done everything we can for him... Odo just stares at him, thoughtfully going over the events in his head... ODO (V.O.) Maybe he just doesn't want his brother to get the bar. Or maybe he knows he's the only real witness I have. Kira ENTERS... holding a PADD... KIRA I've got some good news and some bad news. She hands Odo a PADD for his scrutiny, as: KIRA (continuing) I think I've found our Ches'so. 46 INSERT - PADD - A PHOTOGRAPH OF A MAN Identified as "Ches'sarro Seeto" with an address: 14120 Paddock, Section Fourteen, N.P. ODO (O.S.) Who is he? 47 RESUME KIRA A Bajoran mining engineer... he's been very active in charity work for the war orphans... ODO What makes you think he's our man? KIRA Some connections from my past suggested he might be. His work brought him to the station a lot. Odo studies her closely... something doesn't add up here for him... it will later. KIRA The bad news is he's dead. (Odo reacts) Drowned in a pond on his property last night. Odo is stunned by this revelation... turns, lets it sink in... ODO I'm responsible... KIRA How? ODO I mentioned the name "Ches'so" to the Vaatrik woman. If she recognized it as "Ches'saro," and thought he might lead us to her... (hits his combadge) Security to the Infirmary. SECURITY COM VOICE Acknowledged. ODO Major, I need some help. Advise the Medical Examiner that I want a complete autopsy on Ches'sarro, and that his death is to be treated as a suspected homicide. I'll need the communication records for the Vaatrik home for the past fifty-two hours... and have the central bank keep a supervisor on duty all night... I'll need several bank records as well... KIRA Whose? ODO I don't know yet. She acknowledges with curiosity and EXITS... as a Bajoran security GUARD ENTERS... ODO I want round the clock armed security on Quark. No visitors. GUARD Yessir. He pauses one last time to look at Quark... 48 QUARK CLOSE UP Unconscious. Odo EXITS. BEGIN FLASHBACK AS: 49 INT. QUARK'S - ON QUARK LAUGHING, BEHIND THE BAR chatting up a couple of Cardassians... QUARK Stop by one of the holosuites... two programs for the price of one. 50 REVERSE ANGLE - ODO AT THE DOOR looking at Quark and as he moves in, we see Quark's as it appeared during the occupation... a club essentially for Cardassians, Ferengi waiters and a few Bajorans doing the cleaning up of tables and floors... ODO I'm looking for the proprietor of this establishment. QUARK (tries to place him) Does he owe you money? ODO No. QUARK Are you here to arrest him? ODO No. QUARK Then you've found him. Quark. At your service. (glass on the bartop) First drink on the house. An old and dreadful Cardassian tradition. What'll you have. ODO I don't drink. QUARK A soft drink then... ODO I don't drink. Quark blinks a surprised reaction... puts the glass away... QUARK I guess that's why we don't see you around here much... ODO I'd like to ask you a few questions about the death of the Bajoran chemist... QUARK Wait a minute... you're the shape- shifter... you're the one who's working for Dukat... ODO I'm not working for Dukat. (beat, of course he is and he knows it) I'm just trying to solve a murder. QUARK No, I've heard about you... you do some Cardassian neck trick, am I right? ODO Not anymore. QUARK That could go over big in this room... ODO I'm checking the alibi of a young Bajoran woman, red hair, named Kira Nerys... she says she was here last night... QUARK Yeah, I remember her. She wanted a job. ODO How long was she here? QUARK Long enough. ODO Long enough for what? QUARK You know. ODO No, I don't. Why don't you tell me. QUARK She was showing me... her initiative. ODO Is that some sort of sexual reference? QUARK (smiles) These jobs are hard to come by. Her credentials were very impressive. Odo grabs Quark and pulls him halfway across the bar, spilling drinks... several bystanders stop what they're doing and stare at the outburst... QUARK Hey, listen... listen here, what's the problem... ODO The problem is... you're lying. QUARK You've got me all wrong. ODO I want the truth... or I'll just turn you over to Gul Dukat and he can get it for me... QUARK Okay, fine... I didn't realize we were dealing with a murder here... she didn't pay me enough for that anyway... Odo lets him down and the crowd goes back to what it was doing... ODO She paid you for an alibi? (Quark shrugs an acknowledgement) I wonder how Gul Dukat will react when I tell him about that. QUARK (sighs, talking to someone behind Odo) I'm sure it'll cost me a case of Cardassian ale. GUL DUKAT (O.S.) Two cases at the very least. 51 ANGLE - DUKAT (who has entered from the door), moves to join them at the bar... GUL DUKAT A broken alibi. That sounds like progress. Is there someone you want me to arrest? ODO Not yet. GUL DUKAT But soon. I need a name, Odo. ODO (sharp) You'll get your name when I'm certain it's the right name. Dukat glances at Quark, laughs... GUL DUKAT Listen to how he speaks to me, Quark. You're not afraid of anyone, are you, shape-shifter? Not even me. (Odo looks at him evenly) I was right about you... you are the man for this job. Quark looks to let bygones be bygones with Odo... QUARK Listen, I feel you and I... we've gotten off to a bad start here... let me make it up to you... you need anything? A little ginger tea, no, you don't drink... As Odo reacts, appalled by this creature... QUARK (continuing) Chocolate, maybe... companionship... ? Dukat laughs and Quark looks at him, laughs too... We hear others begin to join in the laughter... AND THE FLASHBACK ENDS as we CUT TO: 51A ANGLE - A GROUP OF QUARK'S CUSTOMERS laughing (melding with the sounds from the past to appear continuous)... Pan to Sisko and Dax at a table... looking toward the bar. SISKO You look like you just lost your best friend, Constable. 52 REVERSE ANGLE to see Odo moving to them, unusually grim and disconcerted, carrying a PADD... DAX Is Quark... ODO Quark is stable. He hands the PADD wordlessly to Sisko... takes a position at the bar... SISKO What's this? 53 INSERT - THE PADD Eight Bajoran names starting with Ches'sarro Seeto. ODO The list. 54 RESUME DAX You found it? ODO No, I assembled it. From the Vaatrik woman's communication records. She's been talking to each of these people a lot. Odd thing is she'd never talked to any of them... until two days ago. SISKO When the list was stolen. ODO Interestingly, every one of them transferred exactly one hundred thousand Bajoran litas into her bank accounts during the last twenty-six hours... SISKO Blackmail? ODO Blackmail. SISKO What did they have to hide? ODO For one thing, that they had come out of the occupation with this kind of money... DAX You think they were working with the Cardassians... ODO (acknowledges) Selling out their own world for a profit. Collaborators. Not even a Ferengi would do that. (beat, grim) It explains a lot of things. SISKO Do you have enough to charge her? ODO Not yet. I'd like to bring her in for questioning. With your permission, I'll have the local Bajoran authorities transport her here... Sisko nods his approval... and Odo EXITS... as he does we find -- 55 TRAZKO - AT A TABLE He finishes his drink; unobtrusively EXITS. Hold on his receding figure, until we... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FOUR ACT FIVE FADE IN: A56 INT. PROMENADE - NIGHT LIGHTING - WIDE SHOT seeing the figure of Odo looking down at the last people on the Promenade... the last shop's lights going out... and a slow PUSH IN to him... ODO (V.O.) Nobody ever had to teach me the "Justice Trick." That's just something I know. A racial memory from my species, I guess. It's really the only clue I have to what kind of people they are. Are these kinds of thoughts appropriate for a Starfleet log? I don't care. 56 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Lights are low -- as Odo ENTERS; moves to his chair... places his hand on the top of its backrest; looking down at it... ODO (V.O.) (beat, sighs) There's no room in Justice for loyalty or friendship or love... Justice, as the humans like to say, is blind. I used to believe that. I'm not sure I can anymore. He turns and looks to -- 57 FLASHBACK BEGINS - CLOSE ON KIRA sitting in the old security/storage area... already on the defensive... KIRA Yes, I lied about my alibi... but that doesn't make me a killer... ODO Where were you when he was murdered? KIRA Asleep. Alone. ODO No one saw you in the community quarters. KIRA I wasn't there... I've found a small corner in the... ODO You're lying. KIRA (in trouble, struggling) I... ODO Don't bother... your whole face changes... I should have seen it before... you don't lie well... Silent. KIRA (softly, rueful) Thanks. ODO So why don't you start telling the truth. Beat. KIRA (dark, still soft, almost to herself) Whose side are you going to be on, Constable... ? ODO I'm not going to play your game. KIRA Once I tell you the truth, you'll have to choose. ODO No. No, that's why I was given this job. That's why all of you always come to me with problems. I'm the outsider. I'm on no one's side. All I'm interested in is justice. If you're innocent, you'll go free. If you're not, I'll turn you over to Cardassian authorities. That's the only choice here. KIRA (sighs) I didn't kill him. When he was killed I was on Level Twenty-one... ODO (reacts) Twenty-one? Ore processing? KIRA Check the Cardassian security logs. You'll find a breach on Twenty-one last night... Odo reacts, goes to his small computer console... and presses a few panels... KIRA I'm in the Bajoran underground. I came here to commit acts of sabotage against the Cardassians. Last night, I succeeded. Reacting off his console -- ODO The ore processor was damaged by a sub-nucleonic device at twenty-five hundred hours last night... it's out of operation for two weeks... KIRA That'll give the mine workers a little time off at least. I'll describe the device I used if you still don't believe me. ODO (realizing) That's why you needed an alibi from Quark... KIRA None of this will matter to the Cardassians if you tell them the truth. I'll be executed for the sabotage. Who cares about Bajorans killing Bajorans when you can hang a rebel... Suddenly, the doors open and Dukat ENTERS... GUL DUKAT Is this her? ODO I told you when I have the... GUL DUKAT Is this her. And there is no more neutrality... it's time for Odo to choose sides... A beat... ODO No. Dukat turns and looks sharply at Odo... ODO (to Kira) You can go. Kira rises and leaves. Dukat grabs her arm and stops her. GUL DUKAT If you're lying, shape-shifter... ODO If you know as much about me as you say you do, Dukat... you know I don't lie. I'm convinced that she did not kill Vaatrik. A beat. Odo and Dukat's eyes lock. He finally lets her go. She EXITS without looking back. After a beat, Dukat leaves too... and the FLASHBACK ENDS as 58 REVERSE ANGLE - ON ODO CLOSEUP to reveal him grim and alone in his modern Security Office. 59 INT. INFIRMARY (OPTICAL) Again, low light -- but this one illuminating the unconscious Quark, who's still laid out under life support. A noise (o.s.), and CAMERA PANS to discover Trazko ENTERING, carrying a bouquet of flowers. TRAZKO Is it too late for visitors? GUARD I'm sorry, sir... no visitors are permitted here. TRAZKO Oh, I see. Then, perhaps you could just put these in water for him. GUARD Of course... And Trazko hands the guard the flowers and gives a quick little extra shove... the guard looks curiously down at his stomach as the flowers fall out of hands, exposing the knife in his belly... he crumples slowly to the floor... 60 ANGLE - TRAZKO moves to the bed and shuts off the life support... takes a pillow and begins to put it over Quark's face... 61 ROM ... arrives at the doorway, takes a step inside; reacts, sees the Guard on the floor, his mouth falls open... 62 ANGLE - ROM & TRAZKO Trazko looks back, sees him... and lunges at the wide-eyed Ferengi... as Rom begins to make those dreadfully shrill Ferengi shrieks from "Invasive Procedures"... Trazko grabs him, but the little guy is all hands and legs like a screaming child... finally pushes himself away, crashing into a stand of medical equipment placed against the wall. The medical equipment is sent loudly all over the place. Trazko realizes that he has to get out of there, but his way is blocked by Odo and another security man arriving... and onlookers behind them. Trazko hesitates for barely a second, and Odo grabs him and presses him against the wall... the other security guard goes to check the wounded guard... Rom is continuing to shriek throughout all this... Odo manages to hit his combadge... ODO Odo to Bashir. Report immediately to the Infirmary. BASHIR On my way. ODO (to the shrieking Rom) It's over, Rom. Over. You're a hero. ROM (stops shrieking) I am? ODO You saved your brother's life. Rom looks at Quark, breathing evenly in bed... realizes he just lost having the bar, starts to shriek again... 63 EXT. SPACE - DEEP SPACE NINE (OPTICAL) 64 INT. HOLDING CELL AREA On Trazko... PALLRA (O.S.) I've never seen him before in my life. 65 NEW ANGLE (OPTICAL) to see Kira and Odo flanking Pallra by the cell... ODO Really. Your communications records show you've made several calls to his home. And received several as well. KIRA You also transferred a large sum of money into his account two days ago. PALLRA I want to confer with my advocate. ODO Of course. I'll make arrangements for you to speak with him. In the meantime, the two of you can introduce yourselves to one another. Odo turns off the forcefield to the second cell and Kira begins to usher her in. Pallra shrugs her away, looks coldly at Kira -- don't you dare touch me... she walks into the cell and Odo puts the forcefield back on. PALLRA (staring at Kira) I don't care what you think you know, shape-shifter. You'll never be able to prove that I killed my husband. Because I didn't. 66 KIRA & ODO ODO JUST STANDS THERE, BEFORE: ODO (beat; quietly) I know. Kira turns to look at him upon hearing this. 67 INT. SECURITY OFFICE Odo comes in from lockup, followed a beat later by Kira. A beat of silence. They don't look at each a lot in this scene. Finally, softly... KIRA When did you realize? ODO The possibility occurred to me when you got the name Ches'sarro so quickly... Your friends from the underground must have already suspected him of being a collaborator... She just nods... ODO (continuing) Once I knew the eight names were a list of collaborators... the murder of Vaatrik made sense for the first time. He must have been a collaborator too. He had the money for ginger tea. He had the private quarters. I've never had a motive for his murder until now. He kept his wife in relative luxury. She surely wouldn't have killed him. So, who would kill a Cardassian collaborator? Someone in the Bajoran underground, of course. A painful beat for Kira. KIRA One of my colleagues was given the job to sabotage the ore processor. Vaatrik was my responsibility. ODO You were here to execute him. KIRA No. (with irony) I was here to find the list. The names of the Bajorans who were selling us out. We'd been informed that Vaatrik was their direct link to Dukat. ODO ... That must have been why Dukat chose me to investigate. He had to stay as far away from this incident as he could... so he wouldn't endanger his network of Bajoran sympathizers. KIRA Obviously, I never found the list. But that's what I was looking for in the shop when he walked in on me. I didn't have any choice. A beat. ODO I misjudged you, Major. You were a better liar than I gave you credit for. KIRA You were working for the Cardassians. ODO I haven't been for more than a year. You've had all that time to tell me the truth. She looks down now at the floor... devoid of all but her anguish, as: KIRA (very softly; defenseless) I tried to tell you the truth a hundred times. What you think of me... matters a lot. I was afraid... ODO ... it might affect our friendship? She looks at him, nods. Odo looks at her... and a part him just sighs, a part of him is angry, a part of him wants to put his arm around her and comfort her... the best he can do, in the most gentle voice he can muster... ODO Maybe it doesn't have to. She smiles, grateful... but then takes it one step too far... KIRA (almost a throwaway) Will you ever be able to trust me the same way again? Odo looks at her evenly... the answer this particular man tells himself is... no... and we hold for a long beat... CUT TO: 68 BLACK for the final credit and... FADE OUT. END OF ACT FIVE THE END